Chapter 16

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"Huh?" I ask.

"I will explain in the morning. Now go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow. And Sakura, if you do that again, me or Inukimi might end up killing you. Good night!" He said and disappeared in a poof of smoke.

Pinkie hurridly went to her room with Naruto following close behind. Sasuke walked towards me and sat down on the opposite side of the bed. It was quite small so our arms touched.

I gave him a questioning look as he looked at me. "Where did you get that scar on your stomach?" He asked.
I gasp and immediately wrap my arms around my stomach. I turn my head to look away from him. "Its not important." I mumbled.

"I think it is important, so tell me." He said snappishly.

"Its okay. It doesn't hurt anymore." I say.

"That doesn't matter. Who did this?" He asked.

"Please, don't make a big deal about it. Its nothing." I plead.

"I will make a bigger deal about it if you don't tell me who did this to you!" He snapped.

I close my eyes tightly, remembering that horrible day. "It was while ago. A few years maybe. I was walking around when I was ambushed. Many men came out of the trees and surrounded me. I tried backing away from them but someone grabbed me from behind and had me in a choke hold. I screamed for Menma, but he never came. One man came up to me and told me I should just die,  that no one would come looking. And I believed him since Menma didn't come. He lit the end of his kunai with fire and started cutting. He cut me on my stomach and he left me there to bleed out. He kept saying that I was the demon of the forest, over and over while he cut. That is how I know what he wrote on me.

"When Menma finally found me covered in blood, he dragged me back to the cave and told me to wrap myself in my blanket. I lay there, for weeks, feeling worthless. I felt like no one would come looking if I just disappeared into nothingness." I reclaimed sadly.

I felt the tears flowing out of my eyes as I lay there beside Sasuke. I felt Sasuke wipe my tears with his hand and caress my cheek. I open my eyes to see him looking at me. He pulls me closer to him and hugs me tightly.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. He never hugged me. Not once did he ever make body contact with me, except for that time I sat on his lap when we on the boat, but that doesn't count.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled, snuggling deeper into my hair.

"Its not your fault." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Its not yours either." He said softly, pulling away and cupping my face with his hands.

I smile sadly at him. "Yes, It is." I say quietly.

What he does next surprise me out of my mind. He Is locking lips with me. Slowly, I melt into the touch.

He pulls back, blushing a little, for air. I stare him in the eye curiously. "W-what w-was that?" I ask.

He looks a little flustered before answering. "A kiss."

I tilt my head to the left a little. "Like when you and Naruto locked lips?" I ask innocently.

He narrows his eyes at me. "It was nothing like that. I have no feelings towards him like I have for you." He says the last part softly.

I look up at him and smile softly. It slowly disappears into a deep frown. He looks at me cautiously. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Your words cut deep, but how do I know you speak the truth?" I ask crossing my arms.

He pulls me into another embrace, stroking my hair softly. "I will never lie to you." He promises.

I smile and push him off of me slightly, which surprises him. "Great! Now go to sleep! You heard the man! We have a big day tomorrow!" I said and pulled the covers over me and rolling over, so I'm facing away from him.

I heard him chuckle as he layed down as well, pulling the covers over him and wrapping an arm protectively around my waist, pulling me closer.

I think it is because of what pinkie did to me earlier in the night, so I snuggle up to him and drift into a light sleep, but not before hearing him sigh in relief.

~Timeskip to in the woods next morning~

(3rd POV)

Team seven were learning to harness their chakra to their feet in order to run up trees.

Inukimi was watching then from beyond the trees when she felt a presence behind her.

A shiver ran through her as she recognized the aura, holding back a slight whine she tried to ignore the presence and the strong urge to turn and face the cause of the presence.
"Do not ignore me.  I know that you know I am here.  I seen your reaction to my presence." A deep dark voice spoke.

Inukimi shivered a bit.  "Would it matter.  It doesn't change the facts." She said quietly and tensed seeing Akiko falling, Sakura had some how managed to get Akiko off guard purposly causing Akiko to fall.  She sighed relaxing as Akiko landed on her feet.

Inukimi smirked but felt a strong feeling of anger towards the pink haired girl. "And just what facts are those.. Except for the fact that you are supposed to be  dead." The man spoke.

"Trust me I am." Inukimi replied coldly.

"What happened? Where have you been?" The man asked a hint of relief and desperation in his voice.
Inukimi cocked her head to the side looking behind her Self at the man.

"Dead." Was all she said.
The man frowned under neath the mask he wore. 

"Why are you following these ninja?" He asked suspiciously knowing the orphaned boy was in the team that she was following.

"I will follow my mistress where ever she goes and where ever she needs me." Inukimi explained in a monotoned voice. she had to hide the smirk threatening to form as pure shock shot through the man.

"Mistress? You are joking right?!" The man said alarmed.

"I would never joke about something like this." Inukimi said with a frown.  *How dare he?* she thought angrily.

"I cannot believe you of all people bowing to a... A mortal girl!" The man spoke in pure shock.

Inukimi turned and faced the man. "Now see here-" she snarled but as she did so she felt someone grab her.  The man had her pinned up against a tree. 


1161 words

Sorry I haven't updated as soon as I usually do. I had a bad case of writers block.

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