Chapter 12 Intervention

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(3rd POV)

In a dark place the only light being fire at the moment.

A young woman was watching a fight between a team of ninjas and assassin.
The woman gave off an amused laugh. "Those kids have nerve.  But that girl...  is something else" she said smirking as she continued watching.

"Dear wife of mine please tell me I have not corrupted you so much you are causing mischief.  That is my job." a man wearing all black with black shoulder cropped hair and dark black eyes.

The woman smiled "You currupt me ha.  I do not need help getting into trouble.  I do well enough on my own." the woman spoke.

"Yes I am well aware of that." the man said dryly.

The woman leaned back into the man as he wrapped his arms around her.

"You have found your next target I take it." the man asked.

The woman raised an eyebrow.  "Next target you speak as if I have done this before." the woman said.

"You know what I mean." the man replied coldly.

"Yes. That girl the one has lived her life in the forest. Her souls.. There is something about her that draws you in." the woman spoke.

"You had best beware others will be after her. Especially if they think she is claimed.  They will want her for them selves." the man spoke.
The woman nods with a sigh.

"Yes I am aware at the first chance I will make my move." the woman said in agreement.

"How can you be sure she will even call." the man asked.

"Oh she will." The woman smirked.  "She will. You forget you have given me your gift of sight. I know who will die and who will not." the woman said watching down at the scene in front of her.

"This...assassin is crap. How can he call him self an assassin if he let's him self be caught?" the woman said in disgust.

The man lauhed out loud. He kissed her on the cheek.  "I will leave you to your fun my love.  I have a meeting with my brothers I must attend." he said before turning and leaving. 

"Oh trust me I will." the woman replied her eyes flashing with a hint of glee and mischief.

She continued watching the fight in front of her.  The girl had been knocked out, but not enough to have called her to the front.

The woman scowled in frustration. 

"Stupid protocol." she muttered half wanting the girl to slip into the relem of the beyond.

The woman raised an eyebrow as she watched the conversation between the girl and her mother.

"Well isn't that interesting.  Sounds fun." the woman's eyes flashed in amusement hearing that she was a hatake.

"You are Kakashis brat." the woman laughed. "This makes it even more fun he will do what ever it takes to save her.. Its killing two birds with one stone... Well.. Two souls I mean."  she smirked.

She watched as the girl finally woke up. She scoffed. "Being saved and defeated by children I should make my appearance as soon as I can.. This is pathetic." the woman said with a scowl.

"And when I do that girl will be mine.... And I have just the way to make it so." she smirked as her ice blue eyes changed to a crimson color.

A demon rat scurried up to her.  "My lady everything you have asked for has been done.  Is there anything else you require?" The demon asked.
"No!  Get out of my sight you worthless rat!" The woman snapped in a harsh cold dangerous tone which promised pain if the demon did not comply.

The rat demon shook in fear and scurried away quickly hoping to stay clear of the woman's wrath.

The woman laughed in amusement. That particular rat is one she would never tire of torment.   The woman walked over and sat down in a large throne like chair made of skulls and skeletel bones.
She sat there in thought as she continued watching the group as they made their way to the bridge builders home through the waters which allowed her sight of the world above.

"All I must do I wait. Hmm.. It wouldn't hurt to get that dark haired boy either.. Maybe i can.. Make something happen." She said.

"it seems they are a couple my lady."  second woman walked up to the first.

"Yes that would make it understandable.  Can't have one with out the other now can we? " the first woman said. "Hecta my dear you are my husbands adviser.  You will tell him when I leave and only after I leave. Keep him up todate on everything" the first woman said as an order.

The second woman, Hecta, bowed.  "Yes my lady" hecta replied. "I will do as you ask with out fault and with out delay. " she spoke.

"Make sure that you do.  I want nothing to go wrong in this. And if there is failure.. Well.. I do not have to tell you of what will happen. " the woman spoke.

"No Mi lady there will be no failure.  I will personally make sure things go smoothly." Hecta  still low to the ground.

"That will be all Hecta" the woman said.

hecta stood and left quickly at the dismissal.


Sorry about the really short chapter.

900 words

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