Chapter 6

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(Akiko POV)

Team 7 was the last team waiting for our Sensei to come. Everyone else's Sensei came and left with their team. I was still upset about what Sakura said earlier.

I sighed and layed my head on the table as Naruto put a board eraser between the door and wall so when our Sensei comes, it will fall on his head.

"Naruto, our Sensei is a jounin, he went fall for a pathetic prank like that." Sasuke said.

"Yeah! Sasuke-kun is right! Only an idiot would fall for a prank like that!" pinkie yelled at Naruto.

I sighed in boredom as I watched them argue. I looked at the door just as it opened. The eraser fell on top of a mans head who had silver, gravity defying hair wearing a mask. 'He was that guy who heard me singing!' I thought as my eyes widened slightly.

"Hahahaha!! He fell for it!" Naruto yelled laughing.

"I'm so sorry Sensei, I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen." Sakura said, trying to play innocent.


"Hmm how do I put first impression of all of you... Your all a bunch of idiots." he said. Everyone went gloomy except me.

"Alright, meet me at the roof." he said and poofed away. I sighed and stood, walked to the door, and went up the stairs.

5 minutes later we made it to the roof. We all sat down, Naruto on the far left, then pinkie, then Sasuke, then me at the far right.

"Lets begin with introducing yourselves." our Sensei said.

"What do you want to know?" pinkie asked.

"Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future, stuff like that." he said.

"Why don't you introduce yourself first Sensei?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, you look really suspicious." pinkie said.

"Idiots..." I muttered to myself, but Sasuke heard and smirked.

"Oh me? Well my name is Kakashi Hatake. I have no desire of telling you my likes and dream for the future, never really thought about it, and I have many hobbies." Kakashi-Sensei said.

We all sweat drop. "All we learned was his name." pinkie said and Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you in the orange." Kakashi-Sensei said pointing at Naruto.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, what I Like is cup ramen, what I like even more is when Iruka-Sensei pays for my ramen. What I dislike is waiting 3 minutes for the ramen to cook. And my dream is to surpass Hokage and then have the people of this village acknowledge my exsistance!" he yelled the last part. My eyes widened when he said his dream. I look over at him and he has a big toothy grin plastered on his face. A small smile krept onto my face as I looked back at our Sensei.

"Hobbies?" Kakashi-Sensei asked.

"Pranks I guess." Naruto shrugged.

"Next, you in the pink." he said pointing at pinkie.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, what I like...I mean the person I like *looks at Sasuke and giggles* my hobbies are *looks at Sasuke and blushes* and my dream for the future *looks at Sasuke and squeals*. And I hate Naruto and Akiko!" she yells. Naruto anime falls and cries. I sigh and shrug my shoulders looking down.

"Okay... You in the blue." Kakashi-Sensei said pointing at Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I dislike a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, more of an ambition, to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." he said. Naruto scoots farther away from him, pinkie blushes, Kakashi sighs, and I just look at him curiously.

"Alright the last one. You in brown." he said pointing at me.

"My name is Akiko, I don't know my last name. I like the color brown and I think I might like food, I haven't tasted it yet, I think Kiba forgot. Anyway, I don't like pink and people who say bad things about other people." I glance at pinkie as she glares at me. "I don't really have any hobbies. My dream for the future is to die." I say. Everyone looks at me shocked, even pinkie.

"Why do you want to die, Akiko?" Naruto asks me.

"Well, I don't exactly have anything to live for anymore. My parents left me and Menma left me. I have no one else who wants me." I say shrugging. They all look at me with sad eyes.

"Alright, your all unique in your own way. Tomorrow we will be doing survival training." Kakashi said.

"But, we already did enough training in the academy. Why do we have to do more?" pinkie asked.

"This isn't like anything you guys did in the academy." Kakashi said.

"So...uh...what kind of training is it?" naruto asks.

Kakashi started laughing creepily.

"Hey, that's a normal question. What's so funny?" pinkie asked.

"Well, if I told you the answer, your not gonna like it." he said.

"Huh..?" naruto asked.

"Of the 27 graduates that came here, only 9 will be accepted to be genin. The other 18 will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make it or brake it, pass or fail test. And the chance you fail is at least 66%." Kakashi explained.

Naruto had a dumbstruck look on his face and Sakura's eyes just narrowed and Sasuke and me just sat there, him staring at Kakashi-Sensei, and me looking up at him smiling slightly.

"See? Didn't I tell you, you wouldn't like it?" he asked.

"That's crazy! We worked hard to get here! Believe it! What was that graduation test for anyway?!" Naruto screamed.

"Oh that? That was to select candidates who might become gennin, or not." Kakashi explained.

"Whaaaaat?!" Naruto asked. I sighed in frustration as to why he want getting it.

"That's how it is. I decide whether you pass or fail. Meet at the designated training spot at 5am and bring your ninja gear." Kakashi explained

Naruto groaned. And I looked at him, it looked like he was lost in thought along with pinkie and Sasuke. I sighed and looked back at Kakashi who was looking at me intently. My eyes widened and I slowly and awkwardly looked away.

"That's it, your dismissed. Oh, and you better skip breakfast tomorrow or you'll puke." Kakashi said.

Naruto's and pinkies eyes widened while Sasuke just glared. I raised my hand hesitantly. "Yes, Akiko?" Kakashi asked me.

"Um...what is breakfast?" I asked.

His visible eye widened slightly but then went back to its regular, lazy look. "Breakfast is when you eat when you wake up."

"Oh." I said in understanding. They all sweatdrop.

"Yeah...see you in the morning." Kakashi said and disappeared.

I leave and wait for Kiba at the entrance of the academy. I sit there until I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I look over and see Kiba looking down at me.

"How long have you been waiting?" he asks.

"Not long. My team just finished. I have to be at the training grounds at 5. I will have to leave early." I explain.

"Alright, lets go." he said grabbing my arm and pulling me up and heading back to his house.


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