Chapter 13

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(Akiko POV)

We are now gathered in dads room where he is sitting up in bed after finally waking up. I am sitting next to him wrapped in bandages on my head and my chest and stomach. All of my injuries I sustained on this mission so far are from pinkie. No matter how many times I told Tsunami that I was fine, she wouldn't listen. So that's why I am in bed with my dad.

"Zabuza is still alive." My dad said bluntly.

I look over at him as if he had two heads. He looked back at me with a tired looking expression. I sigh and roll over trying to plop myself on the floor, but dad grabs my shirt and rolls me back over. I've been trying everything to get out of this stupid bed.

"WHAT?! What do you mean he's still alive?! You checked his pulse! He was dead!" Naruto screamed. I growled loudly. He pales and backs up. "S-sorry Aki-Chan." He appolagises.

"Hn." I say and turn my head away, crossing my arms and pouting. "I want out of this bed! I hate it! I'm perfectly fine!" I yell.

"You need to rest." Dad scolded.

I huffed and glared at pinkie. "You stupid pink blob! When I get out of this bed, I'll kill you!" I say darkly, my hair flying behind me. Everyone visably pales, even the little boy that just ran into the room stopped dead in his tracks and hid behind Tazuna.

"Grandpa your home!" The little boy exclaims happily, after getting color back to his face, and hugged his legs.

"Hey Inari! Where have you been?" Tazuna asked.

"Your all gonna die!" Inari yelled pointing a finger at us.

"Inari! They are the ones who brought your grandpa back home safely." Tsunami scolded.

"Its okay, I'm mean to them to." Tazuna chuckled.

"Wow, great sports man ship. I feel loved." I say sarcastically. I Hear my dad chuckle beside me.

"Gato and his men are too strong! You guys should just go back where you came from!" Inari yelled.

"Hey kid, you saying I'm weak?" I ask.

"Your not strong enough to defeat Gato!" He yelled.

I grew a tick mark on my forehead. "Then we will be training. I have a specific technique I want to teach you guys." Dad said.

"A little last minute training isn't going to save you!" Inari protested.

"Ugh! Why can't I get out of this stupid bed?! Tsunami, I'm fine! Let me- MMHHHMMMHHH!!" I couldn't finish my sentence because dad covered my face with a pillow.

"You need to rest! Now calm down!" He scolded. I grew a double tick mark and threw the pillow at him.

"You trying to kill me?!" I ask, getting up In his face. He pushes me off him and I land on the floor.

"Yes! Finally free!!" I scream in joy and jump up and run straight for the door.

The next thing I knew I was tied up in ropes and laying back in bed beside dad. "How did this happen?!" I scream in shock.

"They got you and tied you and put you back in bed." Dad explained.

"Where was I?!" I ask, not remembering anything.

They all sweat drop. "You don't remember?" Naruto asks.

"No." I say.

"You were slashing out and trying to fight off, but Sasuke finally got the ropes around you." Tsunami said.

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