Chapter 14

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Darkness surrounded Akiko as she lay on the ground bleeding out.

A woman in an all black ninja outfit walked forward, seemingly out of nowhere. She has white hair and neko ears upon her head and a white tail.

 She has white hair and neko ears upon her head and a white tail

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"Wh-who are you?" Akiko asked weakly.

"You have summoned me here.  That can never be changed.  And nothing sacrificed can be regained. Think carefully should your reject faith even just once the gates of paradise will be forever out of your reach." the woman said in a dark cold yet seductive voice.

"What are you talking about?" Akiko asked trembling nervously.

"I can save you. Do you wish to make a contract with me little one? Right now the only thing keeping you alive is me.  However I will not keep you alive any longer should you refuse. I can let you go ahead and die if that is what you wish,  however you would not have summoned me here had you wanted to die. Now tell me what do you want.  Do you wish to make a deal or not?" the woman asked. 

"What are you?" Akiko demanded to know.

"What am I? Well you could say that I am not human." The woman replied with a laugh reaching her hand out.

"What type of deal?" Akiko asked.  

The woman gave an amused smile as her eyes turned a crimson color. "We can talk terms later,  your attackers have long vanished and your teammates are out searching for you, it won't be long before they are here." the woman explained.

Akiko gave a scowl when the woman spoke of her teammates. "Alright, but my part of the deal is that you have to keep me alive long enough to get revenge for my mothers death." Akiko stated reaching her hand out as well.

The woman smiled mischievously and shook the young girls hand. "Deal." She said.

The woman reached out her powers and healed Akiko as the darkness began to disappear from around her  herself.  She looked over seeing kakashi and the rest of the team appearing.

Sasuke looked like he just saw a ghost seeing Akiko's blood seeping back into her body.

Naruto looked like he was about to vomit and attack. And Sakura looked like she was about to faint. Kakashi's visible eye widened and he took out a kunai, ready to attack.

They all shared the same thought. *What the hell is going on?! Who is that woman?!*

The woman stepped back away from Akiko helping her up.

The woman sensed another assassin nearby,  however,  she did not say anything.
"Now.. We shall talk young child." she replied looking at Akiko.

Akiko was so dizzy when the woman helped her up, she tumbled a bit. She look up at the woman and see her staring intently.

The woman gave a mocking bow watching Kakashi.  "Give me any order little mistress." She said watching for a reaction from Kakashi and smirking mockingly at him.

*I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out.  His daughter just lost all right to her souls by making a deal with the queens of the underworld. * the woman smirked.

Akiko looked at the woman questioningly. Then the idea of having a personal maid struck her. She jumped in joy. But then she thought it was just a joke and went to punch the woman.

The woman easily dodged and grabbed Akiko's fist. "So, what do you wish I do?" She asks the flabbergasted Akiko.  

Akiko controlled herself and stood straight, unaware of the 4 nin watching all of this in the tree line.

"You will protect me without betraying me until I obtain my goal.  You will obey my orders unconditionally. And you will never lie to me." Akiko said unsure about weather it was true or not.

The woman grinned. "Of course mistress." she said looking at Akiko standing up straight as the seal of the contract appeared in Akiko's left eye.

"Shall we go?" the woman turned to walk away.  She stopped as Akiko reached out grabbing her wrist.

"Wait demon." The woman looked back at her questioningly.  "What is your name?" Akiko inquired.

"Whatever my mistress wishes." the woman replied and turned back to look at Akiko.

Akiko thought for a minute then settled on a reasonable name."Inukimi. From today on you will be Inukimi." Akiko stated.

The woman,  now named Inukimi,  gave a smile.  "Certainly.  Well then, from now on please call me Inukimi." Inukimi replied.

"Obviously I will call you that. Hey, why is my eyeball bleeding? WOAH?!  I CAN SEE!!" Akiko yelled.

"The seal in your eye contains the contract. It is "demonic" if you will.  You will have no problem seeing out of that eye.  I have a lot to explain about the contract which I will do but not out in the open mistress." Inukimi replied.

"Alright!" Akiko said.

Inukimi looked over in the direction that Kakashi and the team were hiding. "Kakashi Hatake, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki, please come out of hiding." She said, surprising the four named.

They all cautiously walked out of the tree line and stood 10 feet away holding out kunia's in defence. "How do you know our names?" Kakashi asked.

"I have been watching over my mistress for some time now and know all who have been encountered." Inukimi stated politely.

"Stalker." Akiko mumbles.

"What did you do to Aki-Chan?!" Naruto screams.

"I have healed my mistress, fox." Inukimi said shortly.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock. "How did you get that information?!" Kakashi demanded to know, pulling out another kunia.

"Of course I know Kelly and his siblings." Inukimi said flippantly.

"Don't call me that!" Kuruma said through their link.

"Shut it kit." Inukimi said out loud.

Everyone looked at her confused. "No one said anything, Inukimi." Akiko said.

Inukimi looked at her and closed her eyes and smiled slightly, tilting her head to the side. "Nevermind." She said.

"Okay!" Akiko said cheerfully. Suddenly she began to sway. "Hey, I don't feel so go-" she started to say but fell to the ground unconscious.

"Akiko!/Aki-Chan!" Everyone yelled besides Inukimi and Sakura. Inukimi sighed and picked her up. Sakura looked smugly at Akiko's limp body.

"What happened?! " Sasuke yelled angry and worried.

"Do not worry. Young mistress will be quite alright. She just needs some rest." Inukimi stated.

"Follow us." Kakashi said but with his guard still up. Inukimi nodded and followed them to Tazunas house.


Yeah, I got this idea from Black Butler and my aunt helped out a little. Vote and comment please.

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