(XXXVIII) Sick Day

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The 7-ish and Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm sick, and it sucks. It's not like super deadly sick, but it's like stuffy nose, coughing, sore throat, headache, that kind of sick. It's so annoying too.

"Ughhhhh." I groan as I rub my eyes and sit up, but flopping back on my bed after I get a head rush. "Sis, you okay?" Percy asked me, kind of concerned. 

"I think I'm sick." I said, my voice muffled from my pillow and congested. "I'll go get the others..." He trailed off and ran out of the room. I rolled my eyes and fell back asleep.


"(Y/N)! Wake the fuck uppppp!" Leo said, bursting through the room. If I wasn't feeling so disoriented, I would've thrown water at him or freaked the fuck out.

"Leo! Shut up!" Piper said, slapping his arm. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, muttering a sorry.

"We got you stuff that'll make you feel better!" Percy cheered, plopping his butt on my bed. 

Annabeth put a bag on the dresser. She brought out a vial of some type of liquid and handed it to me. "Here, this'll make you feel better." 

I shrugged and drank it, gagging at the taste. It was like regular medicine, but with a minty twist to it. Just bleh. You can tell I don't like medicine.

"Blehhh what is this stuff?" I choked. "Demigod medicine that Will gave us." Jason explained. Remind me to never ask Will for medicine. 

"Wait where'd Frank and Hazel go?" I questioned. I swear they were at the campfire last night...

"Frank had praetor business so Hazel went with him back to Camp Jupiter." Nico said. I pouted. I could really use a puppy right now. Stupid ADHD.

"We brought you your favorite movies, The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo!" Percy exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with joy and he started jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Perce, bro, for the fifth time, those are your favorite movies, not mine." I sighed, shaking my head as everyone laughed and Percy playfully punched me in the arm, muttering a greek curse. "Well, good thing we brought you another movie! Do you wanna watch Atlantis or Big Hero 6?" Piper asked. 

"Ooh Big Hero 6!" I exclaimed, jumping on one of the spare bean bag chairs that we had. Leo sat next to me, since the bean bag was big enough. He slung his arm around me as everyone else got settled. 

Leo and I have a best friend type of relationship. I usually go to him if I need someone to hug or someone to hang out with. 

Anyway, the movie was starting so I stopped thinking of all of that.

|Heh another time skip|

I woke up to see the credits rolling and everyone else asleep. I yawned as I got up, careful not to wake anyone up. 

I walked over to the mini fridge that Chiron let us put in our cabin. Opening it, I grabbed a tub of ice cream and sat down on by bed, eating it and waiting for everyone else to wake up.

Slowly, everyone woke up and each one asked me why the hell I had a tub of ice cream. I flipped them off and laughed.

After everyone was awake, we decided to play games, since I was feeling a lot better. "So what game should we play?" Leo exclaimed, jumping up and down like a child.  "Spin the bottle truth or dare!" Piper shouted. 

"What the heck is that!?" Percy asked. "It's like truth or dare, but you spin a bottle and whoever it lands on, you truth/dare them." Annabeth explained. 

He nodded along with the others that didn't know how to play. I grabbed a half full plastic water bottle off the floor and we sat in a circle. I spun it first.

To my delight, it landed on Nico. "Truth or dare, Neeks?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes at the nickname and said dare. 

I hopped up from my cross-legged position on the floor and walked over to my closet. I looked through the clothes I had until I found it. "Aha! Found it!" I shouted. 

I pulled the red and yellow jacket off the hanger and grabbed fingerless gloves off the nightstand. I also got a plain black shirt, leggings with red cuffs, and a belt. Tossing it to Nico, I pointed to the bathroom and he trudged over and closed the door. 

"Are you-yup you are." Leo giggled. Percy and Piper were smirking their faces off and Jason just looked completely confused. Annabeth facepalmed and smiled. 

In five minutes, the door opened again to show Nico in full on Keith Kogane cosplay. I started laughing with Percy, Leo, and Piper. Jason had a look of realization and Annabeth was still smirking, stifling her laughter better than the rest of us. 

"What? For your information, I look good in this outfit." he remarked. We all laughed harder as I found a picture of Keith on my bulletin. I gave it to him and he flushed red. "Well we all know now that Nico has a twin!" Percy grinned. 

Nico sat back down, not caring about his costume, and we continued the game. 


By the time we were done, it was dinner time. We got cleaned up and left.

It seriously was the best sick day.

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