(XXVI) Infatuation

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Jason x Reader [Edited]

Your POV

It's been a few weeks since I came to Camp Half-Blood. I was claimed as a child of Nike, and I was known as the competitive spirit of the camp. No one could beat me and I was happily the champion of almost everything.


There was this one kid, Jason Grace. 

I was obsessed with him. He was the only one I had trouble beating in a fight or a race. He was one of the shining stars of camp, with his superstar girlfriend, Piper McLean. They were the perfect couple.

Infatuation. I was infatuated with Jason Grace. He sparked my interest the second he stood up to my challenge. 

I couldn't get him out of my head. I'd walk by him everyday to go to my lesson and we'd wave at each other. Just a friendly wave. Nothing more, nothing less.

But oh, it was so much more than just a friendly wave to me. His acknowledgement towards me made me think he was someone I could pine after. That he was free to love.

No, you're wrong. He has a lover. That Piper McLean. That perfect daughter of Aphrodite that didn't have to work hard to be pretty or popular. 

I knew I was falling when I looked into his eyes that one special day. 

But the way they look at each other. The way they hold hands and can laugh at absolutely nothing makes me hurt inside. 

It makes my blood boil and my brain try to process what it would be like if I was in her shoes, being by Jason's side as his lover instead of some petty rival or competitor.

Yes, I admit that I am jealous. But for how long would it last? It's just an infatuation.

Or is it love?

If I said I was falling, would you still be there? Would you leave and forget that I was there? Or would you return my feelings? Would you leave her for me? 

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