(VI) Love Square

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Stoll Brothers x Reader [Edited]

Your POV

4 years. It's been 4 years since my ex boyfriend Travis dumped me for Katie.

At least he didn't cheat on me behind my back, you thought bitterly. The first few months after the break up was hell but Connor helped you through it. Now you were living in an apartment in New Rome.

You were walking towards a park. Connor wanted to meet you there for something very important. You sat down on a bench waiting for him. Though Travis had broken your heart, you still loved him. But the problem was that you also loved Connor. You were so confused about your feelings. Suddenly you felt someone sit beside you. Thinking it was Connor you said, "What was it Connor?" 

"What?" came a reply.

The same voice! You turned your head towards the person. The same eyes! The same hair! Sitting beside you wasn't Connor, it was Travis. Your heart skipped a beat. You were about to get up and go when he grabbed your hand. "Please don't go (Y/N)! I want to talk to you!"

"I'm sorry Travis, I'm waiting here for Connor." you said.

" I need you! I'm so sorry! I missed you so much!" he said. "You should've thought about it before the break up." you said trying to stay calm. Then you saw Connor walking towards you with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Oh my gods! Are you okay (Y/N)? Did he do something to you?" Connor said while glaring at Travis. 

"No Connor! He didn't do anything! Anyways,let's go!" you said.

"(Y/N), wait! Let me explain! I broke up with Katie!" he said. This caught you off guard.

"What? When?"

"A few months after we broke up! I realized I only loved you! You were different!" he said. You were speechless.

"Can you please forgive me and take me back?" he pleaded.

"Uh...(Y/N), I was going to ask you the same thing...Will you be my girlfriend?" Connor asked awkwardly handing you the bouquet. You were so confused but you realize who you really love.

Travis' Ending

Umm... I choose... Travis! I am so sorry Connor! I only thought of you as a best friend! I am so, so sorry if I took advantage of your feelings!" you said.

Travis was smiling happily while Connor looked disheartened.

"Don't worry! You'll find your special someone soon!" you said, hugging him. Suddenly you heard a girly squeal. "What are you guys doing here?" an excited looking daughter of Nike asked.

Connor's ending

"Umm.. I choose... Connor! I'm sorry Travis! I loved you but I never thought that someone I loved so much would hurt me...I think I love Connor more!"

Connor looked happy whereas Travis was moping around.

"Congrats, mate! Don't break (Y/N)'s heart like I did." Travis said while shaking Connor's hand.

"Don't worry, Travis, you'll find that special someone soon enough." You said.

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