(XXVIII) Teddy Bear

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Octavian x Reader

I was looking around Camp Jupiter. I mean; it's so beautiful. Who wouldn't like this place?

"Fuck this place, I hate it." I heard someone say. I whipped my head around to see a boy in a purple toga and had a nasty sneer. I raised my eyebrow as he walked down the river, kicking in rocks and pebbles. 

"Hey! Who the hell are you to say that!" I yelled. "The auger, dumbass." I just walked over to him and went 5 inches from his face. "Nobody, absolutely nobody, calls me a dumbass. And watch your fucking profanity." I said. If looks could kill, we would both be in the depths of Tartarus. 

"Uh, sorry." He said as we both blushed. I mean, he's kind of cute. "(Y/N) (L/N), child of Venus." I said. "Octavian." Huh, isn't he the one who hates everyone. Meh, oh well. I smiled and said, "Do you want to walk around camp with me? I'm kind of new here anyway so I need to look around."

He nodded his head and we started to walk around and chat about the most random things. I didn't get how everyone hated him because he was really nice and cared about what I thought or did.

When it got later in the day and we had to get back to our own cohorts for dinner, he said to me, "Here, take this as a token of our new friendship." as he gave me a teddy bear. "Aww thanks!" I said as I examined the bear; a small white normal stuffed animal with a blue bow around its neck. 

Hmm, friendship. Who would've thought that in the future that it would turn into something more?

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