14. The End

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(Play song when you feel it is right😊)
Adrenaline and pure happiness was surging through my veins as me and J run through the exit that lead to the roof, hand in hand. We were laughing the whole way, proud of the dark deed we had just committed. As we reached the roof we were greeted by a giant gush of wind coming from my helicopter ,"Hop on!" I yelled to Joker, trying to keep my hair out of my face. The helicopter lowered and one of my men helped J in. I then threw the bag of jewels toward him, which he caught thankfully, and prepared to get on.

Just as I was gathering the bottom of my dress to get in, my arm was violently gripped and put behind my back,"(Y/n)!" Joker yelled,"Your not leaving again Wildcard. Your going back to Arkham." Said the cop who had my arm in a death grip. He began pulling me back towards the door as 5 more cops surrounded us with guns pointed at my head. They tried to guide me towards the door, but my squirming and screaming and cursing was getting in the way,"Get the fuck off me you dick wad!" I screamed and screamed but it had no affect. Just as I was about to be taken away, I heard a gunshot ring from behind the cops. One of them fell down, reveling Joker. He made quick work of shooting the cop holding me and the cops around him. I immediately ran to him and hugged him,"Thanks J." I smiled.

"Anything for you princess." His raspy voice whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine,"Let's get outta here." He said as he grabbed my hand and we both got onto the helicopter. As we were about to take off, a police helicopter rose into view,"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! THEY DON'T GIVE UP!" I screamed in frustration,"I'm fucking tired of this." I growled walking to the gun in the back of the helicopter,"What's your dark idea pumpkin?" Joker smiled as he looked at me,"I think you know what I'm about to do." I smiled just as dark as I loaded the huge gun. Joker took a gold machine gun off the wall next to him and loaded it,"Let's do this." He laughed as he stood next to me.

"Land your air craft, and return the stolen property immediately!" A serious voice spoke through a megaphone. Me and J exchange devil like grins as our insanity took over, and bullets began to fly. The sound of metal being punctured and empty bullet shells hitting the floor filled the air. Along with me and J's psychotic laughter. At the blades of the police helicopter finally gave in, they bursted into flames and the helicopter began to descend to the ground. A loud crash was heard and a giant explosion silenced the loud noises of Gotham. Knowing we succeeded, me and Joker practically leaped into eachothers arms, laughing the whole time. And as the back of the helicopter began to close, Joker's shining blue eyes met my (e/c) ones,"I love you dollface, And I'm so sorry for what I did to you, but I'm not afraid to show you how much I need you anymore. Your mine, forever mine." He said genuinely. My face automatically brightened and I brought him into the most passionate kiss I could.

Though this love was toxic to both of us, we both knew that we needed eachother. He's my kind of crazy, the crazy that can show me Infinite love and care even on its bad days. We belonged together and we knew that, so with all the passion in my dark heart, I smiled and said "I love you too J, and I'm forever yours."

The End❤

Hey guys! Well we have reached the end of our beloved story...Im sorry it took so long! School has had me messed up. I tried to get out two more chapters but I couldn't think of any other way to end this in two chapters. In going to be making a new Joker x reader story here soon so stay tuned for that! Thanks for all the support and the reads and I hope you stick around for my new book! Love you all❤❤ and thanks again!

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