5. The New Queen

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(C/n) = Club Name

Jokers POV

"I'd like to see you try Wildcard." I sneered at the (h/c) haired girl standing in front of me,"Try me asshat." I was surprised at the words the had escaped those lips of hers. No one has ever tried to challenge me like that not even the big bad Bats himself. She gave me on last cocky look then walked out without another word.

For some odd reason watching her walk out like that, pulled at my heart strings a little. You LIKED getting into it with her....and you know it. Said one of the various voices in my head. It just kept repeating that, getting louder and louder. I pulled at my hair trying to get it to shut up until it finally did. I calmed myself and walked over to Harley. Though she was a pain in my ass, she was mine,"You don't believe she's really gonna mess everythin up, do ya pud?" She asked as she rested her hands on my shoulders,"Not one bit sugar. Now c'mon, we got work to do." Though I wasn't worried, I had to make sure my reputation was safe. I'm not gonna let some bitch from (N/O/C) fuck up everything I've built....

(Time Skip)
Your POV

It has been 2 months since your escape from Arkham with Joker, and you were back and better than ever (Play Music). You were currently in the white and silver themed club that you now owned, The (C/n). You were in your spot in the V.I.P section, hidden away with curtains made of crystals and comfy in your white leather booth. You looked down at your outfit and smirked, knowing you looked like the true queen you now were once again.

(Feel free to change if you don't like it) You were looking over at all the sweaty bodies moving to the beat as you reminisced about how you got to this point

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(Feel free to change if you don't like it) You were looking over at all the sweaty bodies moving to the beat as you reminisced about how you got to this point. So many heists were pulled, so many henchman came and went, so much blood was spilt, and you loved every second if it. You were now on top of Gotham, ruling the streets with ease. The mere mention of your name sent chills down spines everywhere. You were doing better than you were in (N/O/C) and you loved it. You were the new Queen of Crime, leaving The Clown Prince in the dust. Now that you thought about it you hadn't heard much about him in awhile. Which made this victory that much sweeter.

The slight clicking and tapping of the jewels on the curtain hitting eachother as someone entered your booth pulled you out of your thoughts,"Well look who's on top." A deep, almost raspy voice said. Your eyes widened in shock,"Hello Mr. J." You smirked a cocky grin turning to face him fully.

He got a good look at the tatoos that now covered your face, legs, neck and hands, and the crystal stud you now had in your nose,"Looks like someone proved me wrong." He smiled, a hint of anger hidden in his tone,"So the only reason you came here was to wallow in self pity?" You stated as your ringed hands reached up to fix your (h/c) hair that was in a bun,"No princess, I'm here on buisness." He said leaning over the table a little,"You see, there's a charity ball that Bruce Wayne is throwing, and he's supposed to have billions of dollars worth of jewels there with him. He's supposed to be ' 'donating' them to 'orphans'." He said the last few words in disgust.

"So what does that have to do with me?" You asked, trying your best not to show that you were interested,"I was thinkin we could...make a deal." He rolled his eyes at the last part. You could tell the psyco didn't make deals often,"Awww does poor Joker need to make a deal because his reputauon is fucked up?" You pouted in your best baby voice. His eyes suddenly filled with rage. In a flash he whipped out his gold and purple gun, grabbed your wrist and yanked you over the table, his gun pointed firmly at your head. Your guards tried to intervene but you waved them off knowing Joker wouldn't hesitate to shoot you,"Listen to me you bitch," his voice was dripping anger as his lips brushed against your ear, leaving goosebumps on your skin,"You have skills that are useful to me in this operation. So, your gonna fuckin help me do this whether you like it or not. And if you cooperate, I'll not only spare ya, you'll be able to take half of what we steal. What do ya say?"

Your free hand reached down to one of your hidden holsters on your leg and pulled out your throwing knife. Before Joker could blink you removed yourself from his grasp, pinned his hands down on the table causing him to drop the gun, and had your knife firmly at his throat drawing the slightest bit of blood,"I'd say that you need my help because you know I'm the only one who has more resources then you and your just upset because your ass no longer rules the streets." His crystal blue eyes were staring straight into your (e/c) ones as you said this. He had never met anyone who was not only unafraid of him, but had no issue to challenging him. Though he would never admit it, he found it extremely attractive.

You removed the knife from his throat and proceeded to lick the blood off of the blade, savoring it's sweet but metallic taste, looking dead into Jokers eyes. You could've sworn you heard him gulp,"I'll consider your offer, now if you don't mind, get the fuck outta my club." He grabbed his gun and shoved it back into his holster quickly leaving. You smiled to yourself as you watched him leave. Something about this man just made you so curious. You were intrigued by his attractiveness and his insanity, that resulted in you wanting to be near him a lot more....

Maybe you were just purely insane for feeling this way, more insane than Joker. Maybe something was slipped into your drink or maybe it was just the many voices in your head, but something told you that you were starting to fall for The Clown Prince.

Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Any edits? Let me know! Bye all

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