1. Shut up and Drive

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(Y/n) = Your name
(N/O/C) = Name of city
(E/c) = Eye Color
(H/t) = Hair Type
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length

You were zooming through the streets of (N/O/C). The adrenaline pumping through you with a sly smirk pastered on your lips as you drove from the cops. Your holographic gold Lamborghini was dodging cars as you swerved through lanes at full speed.

 Your holographic gold Lamborghini was dodging cars as you swerved through lanes at full speed

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(Just thought this car was Amazing!! Feel free to change it if you don't like it.) Your back seat and trunk were packed full of diamonds and gold you've been planning on stealing from the Mayors vault for months. Your plan was flawless. It was quick, simple, and to your own insane amusement, a lot of people got hurt. You smirked as you thought of all the people that were harmed during your plan.

You were quickly brought out of your thoughts as your eyes caught sight of the swarm of cop cars quickly closing in on you. You knew you needed a way to lose the cops and fast. A frustrated growl escaped your lips. This was your best plan and you weren't about to just let it get destroyed by these assholes. Your mind quickly reminded you of your secret escape route that you had planned out for emergency moments like this.

You quickly took a hard right as 2 cop cars crashed and 4 more began to follow behind you. You took a hard left and 2 more cars crashed not being able to keep up with your cars extreme speed. That left you two more cars to take out. You noticed you were quickly coming up on the end of the road which led to the pier. You quickly got an idea. You hit the breaks and the remaining copcars sped ahead of you and off the pier. You laughed maniachly as you drove off to your hide out.

*Time Skip to inside your hideout*

"DONNIE!!!" You screamed as you marched into your hideout, heels clicking along the way. Donnie had been your right hand man for as long as you can remember. You knew he would always have your back,"Welcome back Wildcard-erm-(Y/n)." He knew you didn't like it when he called you Wildcard,"What do you need?"
"Gather some men and get my score from my car." You smirked as you said prize,"Yes Ma'am." Donnie quickly rushed off to your car with some extra men.

You decided to go upstairs and clean the blood off of you and your knives. You did make quite a mess...You opened the gold door that led to your bathroom and stood in your grand mirror. You smiled your signature grin as you examined your appearance. Your (H/l) neon (H/c) (H/t) hair shaped your bleached face perfectly even with the blood splatters, your (E/c) eyes still had the same insane look in them the night this all began. Your outfit and bleached skin were stained with the blood of your victims,"Well hello gorgeous." You winked at yourself then proceeded to wash your gold knives.

Until the sound of shouts stopped you. Suddenly, a whole fleet of armored cops stormed into your bathroom with guns pointed at you,"PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!!!" They shouted. You slipped one of your knives up your leather jacket sleeve and put your hands on your head. You turned around slowly to face the cops when you see Donnie in front of all of them,"Donnie....Did you...YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" You lunged at him with your knife in hand and a look of pure terror swept across his face. Suddenly 3 officers grabbed your hands and shoulders. One cop squeezed your hand so hard that he forced you to drop your knife,"Sorry Wildcard, there was a prize on your head if someone turned you in. And trust me, I need that money." He smirked at you and you glared and him with a burning hatred. If looks could kill, he would've dropped dead instantly.

Donnie quickly waved his hand,"Take her away." Soon you were being dragged away from everything you built and thrown into an armored truck, kicking screaming and scratching all the way. You were watching them empty your hideout of everything that created your reputation. You figured you could get everything back after you break out of prison again. That was until you overheard the guards talking,"They're not seriously sending her to prison again are they?" One gaurd asked,"No, They're sending her somewhere where people who are just as crazy as her, live out their sentences. Arkham Asylum in Gotham City."

Their words surpirsed you....Gotham City is far away from (N/O/C)...They were making sure you couldn't come back. Suddenly, the truck began to move and you watched everything you worked for, everything that gave your life meaning, just fade away...

Hope you guys liked the first chapter! Let me know if I need to change anything! Bye all!

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