7. Harley vs. (Y/n)

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Your POV

After escaping the chemical plant together, me and Joker became inseprable. I decided to help Joker steal the jewels from Bruce Wayne's Charity ball in a month. Ever since the chemical plant, we've been planning non-stop. I've been spending a lot of time in Joker's hideout. So much that I even have my own room there:

 So much that I even have my own room there:

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There's just one problem...Harley Quinn. She's been all over Joker latley. And I mean ALL OVER him. She is attached at the hip with him 24/7. She's always begging him to "Come play with her" and I don't even wanna know what she means by that...Its gotten to the point where it's extremely hard to focus on the task at hand. And I'm afraid that all of this irritation inside me, is gonna eventually burst. And nobody wants to be around when that happens....

Harley's POV

This girl...Wildcard...She has other intentions of bein here. She wants to steal my puddin. MY PUDDIN! And there's no way in hell that's gonna happen!!! I've made sure I'm around him 24/7 so there's no chance that this bitch can take him. Today is one of the days that she stayed over at Mista J's house, and I HATED IT.

Mista J went to up the sleepin beauty so they could start plannin the heist for next month, but little did he know I need to talk to him,"Puddin wait!" I yelled as I ran down the long purple hallway towards J,"Puddin I need to talk to ya." I huffed as I stopped in front of tall pale man,"What is it Harley?" He sounded irritated. Why would he be irritated with me?

"Puddin, this chick, she's gotta go! She is ruinin everything!" I stomped my foot as I said that last part,"Harley. You know Daddy's just usin her for buisness only. No need to be jealous." He said cupping my cheek. Suddenly, his hand quickly moved to my throat as he pushed me up against the wall. His grip quickly tightened,"Now if you interuppt me again, you'll be punished." He growled in my ear as he let go of me and continued to walk. I gasped for breath, though this was nothin new comin from him. He seemed more defensive than usual, and it's all because of that Wildcard....

Your POV

Last night I spent the night at Jokers. The planning had ran longer than usual and I was too tired to drive or leave really. I was all bundled up in the blankets of my bed, when The Clown Prince of Crime walked in a tore the covers off of my body,"RISE AND SHINE PRINCESS!" He yelled right in my ear. He was really trying to piss me off already,"Yeah whatever I'm awake." I pushed his face away from my ear and sat up stretching,"We have a big day of plannin to do sugar! Today's the day of the big meetin." He smiled at me,"I have some extra clothes laid out for ya." He said slicking back he green hair,"Thanks. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to change in peace." I said pushing him out of the room and slamming the door.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the clothes Joker laid out for me. I picked up the little card that was on the pile and read it aloud,"Here's somethin special for my one and only dollface ;)." I had a dumb cheesy smile on my face and I HATED it. I hated the fact that though I haven't known this man long, I knew I was falling hard and fast for him. And simple things like this, make me melt inside. I tossed the card aside and threw on the outfit he had for me:

I smiled at my appearance after I had fixed my hair and did my makeup

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I smiled at my appearance after I had fixed my hair and did my makeup. Today was the day that we'd be meeting with some other criminals of Gotham at my club to discuss the rest of the plan and I needed to look my best. I stepped out of the bedroom and walked down the hallway only to run into the crazy ass clown girl herself. She shoved me as she walked past me,"Well hello to you Harley." I rolled my eyes and continued walking,"Hmph. Bitch." She mumbled trying to be slick,"What the hell did you just call me...?" I stopped dead in my tracks,"I think ya heard me." She whispered in my ear as she walked back up behind me,"Now look, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you will not disrespect me like that. ESPECIALLY when I haven't done anything to you." I growled as I got in her face,"Yes you have actually. You've been trying to STEAL my puddin." She pushed me away from her. That was it. That was the last. Straw,"Put your hands on me clown I dare you." I growled at her. Just as I expected, she shoved me again and smirked,"Okay fuck it." I said dropping my purse and taking out my earrings.

I lunged for the bitch. I pinned her to the ground and threw punches at her jaw. She grabbed my fist and pushed me off her,"So little kitty's got claws." She laughed wiping blood from her mouth,"You ain't seen nothin yet." I smiled. I heard a door open down the hall and out came Joker,"WHAT THE HELL??!" He yelled. He ran down the hall trying to grab me before I went at Harley again. But it was too late. I was already so pissed that I easily escaped his grasp,"Stay the fuck off me!" I yelled at him. He just stood back along with other goons and watched the fight break out.

Harley punched me in the face, causing me to fall to the ground. I just picked the blood dripping from my nose and smiled at her,"That's all you got?" I kicked the heel of her shoes causing her to fall. I jumped on her and wrapped my hands around her throat. Harley kicked me in the back, making me fall of her in pain. She then grabbed her bat and began beating me with it. I wasn't having that. I grabbed her bat mid hit and ripped it from her grasp. She looked shocked for a moment. I stood up holding my arm that was now covered in bruises,"Now your gonna get it." I laughed as I ran towards her. I elbowed her in the stomach and punched her in the jaw with all my force. I then pulled out the iron knuckles from my purse which was close by, I was preparing to hit her,"This is for hitting me with your bat bitch." And I punched her in her throat and face one last time before she past out from the impact.

I just stood there and laughed after that. I laughed and laughed along with the voices in my head. As I continued to laugh, tears were falling down my face. I gripped my hair and fell to the floor still laughing. I was shaking and slowly pulling at my hair begging everything to just stop. I felt a strong pair of arms scoop me up bridal style and carry me down the hall,"Ssshhh dollface. Your okay." The comfort I felt caused me to fall asleep. What a fucking crazy morning.

Hey All! Sorry for the late update! I was moving but I'm back now! More to come!❤

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