10. Breakfast dates and broken plates

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I woke up the next morning protectivley wrapped in Joker's embrace, listening to his soft snores as I was curled up in his chest. I smiled to myself, remembering last night. This is what I wanted with him, and I knew that now. Though we may never have a normal relationship, little moments like these would count...Wait we never made it offical..So what are we?

At that thought, I felt Joker start to move and grumble something as he woke up. His blue eyes slowly opened up and brightened as he caught my glance,"Mornin pumpkin." He smiled kissing my hair, his voice raspy,"Morning." I smiled back,"You hungry?" He asked smiling down at me,"Sure I could eat." I shrugged. He smiled showing off his metal teeth. Joker then released me and got off the bed throwing on a t-shirt,"Good, because I'm takin you out. We've got a breakfast date with someone very vital to our little, plan" He grinned as he made his way to the bathroom.

I'm not gonna lie, waking up next to Joker, was the best feeling I've ever felt. Maybe it was the fact that I finally had someone who cared about me, someone who could love me for me...Or could he?? One of the voices in my head chimed in,"What do you mean or could he?" I asked the voice annoyed as I walked to my room to get ready. He doesn't love you...hes the king of Gotham remember? He's using you to claim the throne back entirely,"Shut the hell up!!! He does care for me! He's never hurt me!" I yelled as I walked my door shut. Keep thinkin like that and you'll end up like Harley..That echoed through my head a million times, getting on my very last nerve,"FUCK YOU!!" I screamed as rammed my head into the wall,"(Y/n)!! Are you alright??" Frost asked worriedly as he barged into my room,"Y-yeah I'm fine." I stuttered holding my head,"Okay...Do you want me to get you an ice pack?" He asked sympathetically,"Yes please." I slightly giggled. He nodded his head and left my room leaving me stuck in my own head.

After laying down for a second and holding an ice pack to my forehead, I finally got up and changed:

After laying down for a second and holding an ice pack to my forehead, I finally got up and changed:

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Pleased with my outfit, I started heading downstairs to meet Joker. He was dressed in a red silk dress shirt, a black tux jacket with his holsters hidden inside it, black dress pants and dress shoes. He smirked at me as he saw me walk closer to him. Grabbing me by the waist he whispered,"You look sexy in that outfit princess." His breath tickled my ear sending shivers down my spine,"You don't look to bad yourself." I replied, not trying to sound too breathless. Frost walked into the room informing us that my Lambo was ready. We decided to take mine this time because why the hell not:

Me, Joker, and Frost all piled into the car on the way to meet Joker's "vital buisness partner" for breakfast

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Me, Joker, and Frost all piled into the car on the way to meet Joker's "vital buisness partner" for breakfast. We pulled up to a well hidden old diner, away from anyone who would call the police on me and Joker. We walked in to see a few shocked faces as they saw us, but it was nothing we weren't used to,"There." Joker pointed towards a man sitting in a booth with his back turned towards the door. We walked over to the booth and sat down,"Ah Joker. I've been waitin for you." A man covered in tatoos and had a bull nose ring (I figured I could include Common's character from Suicide Squad) "How you been Monster T?" (That's his name apparently) Joker asked the man leaning in so prying ears wouldn't hear the convo,"I've been great-" his attention darted to me, his gazed had a hidden lust in it that made me uncomfortable,"Who's this?" He said checking me out,"T this is Wildcard." "Hi.." I smiled trying to aviod his hungry gaze,"So YOUR the badass bitch I've been hearin about. Nice to finally put a face to the name." He shrugged smirking at me. Joker caught sight of T's gaze on Me, and I felt him instantly tense up.

"So let's talk about our little...partnership." Joker said snaking his arm around my waist,"Right." After we all had a productive conversation about the plan and finished about three plates of pancakes and several pitchers of water, I felt nature call,"Sorry guys I gotta go to the bathroom real quick," I gestured toward the bathroom with my thumbs as I left the three men to do their thing.

Jokers POV

As (Y/n) left, I watched Monster T's eyes follow her, staring straight at her ass. HELL. NO. "J your one lucky man." He said, his attention shifting back to me. The voices in my head were yelling and screaming so many different ways to kill him, but I tried my best to keep cool,"Your Right. Wildcard is the Queen of Gotham city, the murderess herself. The Princess of Crime and I, alone, am her only Clown Prince." I smiled wide as I took a small bow from my speech,"Yeah well, she's one bad bitch.  Body and all." My eye began to twitch as I could practically hear all the dirty thoughts running through his mind, and it completely pissed me off,"Just remember one thing Monster T. She's mine." He glanced at me as my gaze got darker and more dangerous. He only scoffed at me and said,"A girl like her, needs a man like me to be tappin it right every-" he never got to finish his sentence as I stood up and yanked out my gun, aiming it for his head,"Boss! Don't do it!" Frost said trying to stop me.

T had his hands up in defense,"H-hey I don't want no beef." He said leaning away from my gun," 'You don't want no beef'?" I mocked him, getting on top of our table sending the plates and cups to shatter on the floor,"Well, we don't always get what we want now do we?" I said my voice dangerously low,"Boss don't pull that trigger! You'll put the whole plan in jeopardy!" Frost desperately tried to stop me, but it was too late. The anger within me took over and there's was no stopping it. With a simple move I pulled the trigger as T's brains painted the diner and people ran out of the filty place. I laughed at my victory knowing I protected (Y/n)...

Your POV

I had finished using the bathroom and was washing my hands, when I heard a gunshot. I ran out of the bathroom, forgetting to dry my hands, only to find our "Vital" buisness partners brains scattered everywhere and for the first time, I was pissed about that,"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK J??!" I screamed yanking Joker off the table and dragging him outside, Frost following close behind,"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!!" I screamed at him as I shoved him,"He was gonna try and take you away from me. He wanted you!!!" He yelled,"And I could JUST HEAR The DIRTY things that man was thinking and I couldn't take it. SO WHAT DID I DO?? I SHOT HIM!" He laughed as of killing this man lifted a weight off his shoulders,"Get the hell in my car. I'm not doing this shit with you here." I told him as I stomped to the drivers side. As soon as I knew everyone was in the car, I sped off as fast as I could, swerving in and out of lanes cursing under my breath.

After finally pulling up to J's, I stomped off into the house and Joker followed behind me,"Stop being so pissy (Y/n). You should be thanking me..." Joker said slyly,"Thanking you?? THANKING YOU??! YOU JUST KILLED A VITAL SUPPLIER TO OUR PLAN!!! AND YOU EXPECT ME TO THANK YOU??" I screamed in his face with my hands in the air and my neon (h/c) hair flying everywhere. In one swift move, he wrapped his long pale fingers around my throat and pushed me down against the dinning room table, cutting off my air supply and causing vases to shatter onto the floor,"You are gonna listen to me and your gonna listen well. No one, and I mean NO ONE, fuckin talks to me like that." My vision was fading as I was struggling to breathe. I scratched at his arm and punched it hoping something would help,"Boss STOP! Your gonna kill her!" Frost said dragging Jokers arm away from my throat. I hit the floor and gasped for air.

All of sudden, Jokers fist met Frost's face several times before knocking him out,"And NO ONE FUCKING INTERUPPTS ME!" Joker then turned to me slicking his hair back. His once kind blue eyes that I woke up to this morning, were now filled with rage and pure insanity,"Pathetic bitch. To think I stood up for you." He kicked me in my face and stomach and punched my face before leaving me alone surrounded by broken shards. I sat up and wiped the blood off my face, crying. He did what I never thought he'd do...hurt me. I couldn't stay there anymore, so I walked outside in the rain and ran. Not knowing where to, but just running. Away from the pain in, away from the drama and stress. Just running as if it would solve all my problems.

Hey All! Hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter! Thanks for all the reads and support! More to come!💕💕 bye all!

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