3. The Clown Prince of Crime Himself

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(F/c) = Favorite color

You had made it the room where they keep all of the prisoners belongings...You were careful not to set off some type of alarm though you knew all the guards were distracted with the fight. But you also knew that wouldn't distract them forever. As you krept over to your case of belongings, you felt a presence behind you. You carefully looked in the corner of your eye without alerting the person. Just as you thought, you were being followed.

You stopped dead in your tracks and so did the person behind you. You quickly turned around and attempted to kick them in the face, when they grabbed your foot right before it hit their cheek,"Not so fast doll face." In that moment you got a better look at the person...well man...standing in front of you. You realized it was that man from earlier. The man with green hair.

"Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing following me?" You asked the man, clearly pissed. If you weren't careful, he could mess up your whole plan. He only stood there and laughed at you as he released your foot. His sinister laughter filled the room and filled you with fear. This man man was beyond insane, you could tell by the look in his eyes,"Who am I?? Who am I??!! Why I'm the Clown Prince of Crime himself!! I'm the ruler of Gothams streets!! I am the one and only, Joker!!" He smiled a cocky grin, clearly proud of his reputation. He took a slight bow at the end of his speech and grasped your hand in his.

"And may I ask who you are?" He smirked as he kissed your hand. You quickly snatched your hand from his grasp,"Wildcard." You stated. You didn't have time to monologue, you needed to get the hell out of Arkham. "Well 'Joker'," You mocked him as you put your hands in the air,"Your little speech was cute or whatever, but if you don't mind, I'm getting the hell out of this dump." You said as your turned on your heel and ran over to the container with your name on it. You opened it up and pulled out all of your belongings.

"Oh I'm well aware of your escape plan princess. Which is why I'm here. You see..." He walked over to you and before you could do anything he grabbed you by your arm and harshly pushed you against the desk, his faces inches from yours. At this distance you couldn't help but get goosebumps,"Your gonna help me get outta here and in exchange, I won't slice that pretty little throat of yours open." He was playing with a piece of your hair as he said this, waiting for your reply.

You needed to get out of Arkham fast, you knew the fight was gonna be cleared any second now. You figured you could use the extra help escaping anyway,"Fine." You finally breathed. He smirked at you and cupped your face with his hand,"Good girl." You slapped his hand away and turned back to what you were doing before. Joker ran to the shelf where his container was and opened it up. He pulled out his things and began to change. You quickly turned away and went to the other side of the room to change yourself. When you were finished, you came out in a (f/c) leather jacket, with a (f/c) crop top underneath. Your (f/c) pants (or leggings or shorts etc.) Hugged your shape perfectly and your high heeled combat boots tied up the outfit nicely. You also let your hair down since it's been in a ponytail. You made sure to put your hip and legs holsters on too, though you had no weapons with you.

When you came back from changing, Joker was in a crimson red dress shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, kind of showing off his toned chest and his many tattoos. Paired black dress pants and black dress shoes. He also had a purple holster strapped around his shoulders, holding two golden guns. You had to admit you were impressed. As you both quickly glanced at eachother, you grabbed the keycard off the desk and ran out the door. After fighting and shooting a few guards and going through a few doors, you and Joker made it to the main entrance. Three Gaurds were blocking your path, but Joker made quick work of shooting all three of them not missing a single shot.

You slid the keycard one last time, and you finally made it out of Arkham Asylum. Both you and Joker were laughing maniacally as you both ran in the rain towards a random car that you were gonna hotwire. You had to admit, though you had just met Joker, you were starting to really enjoy his company.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if anything needs changing! Love you all

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