12. The Ball

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It's been a month since I've last seen Joker....sure I've heard about him in the news and all but other than that, we haven't had any run ins. I had Frost deliever my car to me in Bluddhaven before me cutting contact with him and J for good. I've been spending a whole month working on my plan to be a million times better than Joker's.

I knew every detail of his plan, every timing, every secret entrance, I knew it all and my plan was going to take place around his. I was bound and determined to destroy his reputation for good and pinning him for the theft of the jewels. This was the plan:

The ball was a masquerade so there would be no issue hiding my identity. Joker should be in a Jester mask so once I locate him, I'll keep an eye on him until he gives his signal to his men, then I'll give my signal to my men. My men will make they're way to the safe during one of the dances, as will I. Once they get there they'll take the gaurds out and prepare for the blackout. Jokers people will turn the lights out and use the built in night vision goggles in they're masks to find the safe the Jewels will be in which is the one flaw in his plan; he never located the safe. Rookie mistake. My men will destroy the safe door and I along with my men, will gather the jewels. Then we will take our escape route to the roof where my helicopter will be waiting for us. All before bats can show up.

"Boss, were ready." Said one of my men. The night of the ball was here and I couldn't wait to have a blast. I finished adjusting my mask and slid my knives and my gun in my two leg holsters,"Great. Let's go boys." I smiled walking out of my room as all of their jaws drop:

" I smiled walking out of my room as all of their jaws drop:

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"Close those mouths boys you'll catch flies

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"Close those mouths boys you'll catch flies." I smirked as I walked by all of them. We all piled into my limo and drove to the venue. The drive was quiet and long leaving me in my thoughts...You miss him (Y/n) you know you do. You don't wanna go against him, you wanna help him. My voices all echoed this for the remainder of the drive. I ignored them keeping my eyes on the road flashing by me outside,"What if...I really do miss him?" I asked myself as the familiar feeling of butterflies filled my stomach. All of our good memories came flooding in and suddenly, I wanted to cry. But I wiped away the single tear that escaped and womaned up,"You need to take back what's yours." I thought confidently.

Suddenly the car stopped and I looked around to find a giant venue lit up with gold and white lighting. Cameras were flashing every where, fighting to get the best picture of the celebrity that was standing before them. I smiled to myself,"Play time boys." I laughed maniachly as we all exited the car, activating our ear peices. We all walked up to the venue, fake smiles plastered on our faces and one goal in mind. I entered first looking around at all of the people dancing gracefully as the sound of an extravagant orchestra filled the air. At the front of the room on stage was Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon engaging in conversation. Then my eyes darted back to the dance floor catching a familiar jester mask: Joker was here,"Boys the clown is in." I said quietly,"Affirmative Wildcard. Waiting for your signal." I removed my finger from my ear peice and proceeded to walk down the grand stairs, keeping my eyes on Joker.

As I made it to the dance floor, my gaze continued to shift from Joker to Bruce Wayne. Not paying attention, I got swept up in a waltz no knowing who my partners were. As I was twirled and dipped my gaze never left the two men. Then all my attention shifted to Joker, in his slick velvet purple and black suit. His face was hidden well by his bedazzled jester mask and his hands were covered in makeup much like mine. Just watching him swoon and dance with other women pissed me off...and I HATED IT. Suddenly my partners changed and I was doing the same dance all over again,"Hey Gorgeous." The slick voice of my new partner rang threw my ears,"Save it." I hissed,"Hey no need to be hostile." He smirked. I gave him a dark glare that shut him up real quick. My gaze shifted back to Joker as he gave his men the signal,"Go boys and be ready." I whispered into my earpiece knowing my men had already done their jobs,"Ready." A voice rang out. I smiled to myself, this was gonna be a breeze.

Then my body became stiff, Joker had left my sight and my panic was through the roof. He could be anywhere,"Mind if I cut in?" A smooth almost raspy voice asked my new dance partner. The man shrugged his shoulders left me to dance with someone new,"Hello pumpkin." Joker. He placed one hand on my hip and the other took hold of my hand as we waltzed. I shivered at his touch,"What the hell are you doing Joker?" I whisper yelled in hopes no one heard me,"Same thing as you darlin'. After all, we were supposed to do this together." He whispered in my ear as he twirled me,"Yeah well maybe you should've thought about that before you fucked everything up huh?" I asked, anger dripping from my voice,"Oh c'mon darlin'. You know I didn't mean any harm." He whispered into my neck, slightly biting my delicate skin,"Fuck you Joker. You know what you did was wrong." I said struggling as his hands slid down my back.

With a flick of his wrist he spun me around so my back was pressed firmly against him. Stopping our waltz completely,"It was one mistake that I won't make again sugar. Just come back to me, and forget this whole heist. Then we'll go back to my place and have some real fun." He said seductively in my ear nibbling on my earlobe. He knew he was my weakness, he knew what he was doing and I had to fight the urge to give in with every fiber of my being. I had to remember why I was doing this. I had to remember the night he put his hands on me, the night he told me he didn't care,"C'mon princess..." he smiled into my hair as his hand traveled from down my arm to my thigh. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand,"Not today J." I stated as I turned to face him. As if on queue, the lights went out and gasps sounded across the room,"Don't panic everyone it'll all be alright." Bruce said trying to calm everyone,"Time to play." I whispered to Joker as I whipped out my knife a dove it into his leg.

His painful groans drowned out as I sprinted through the crowd towards the safe, using my own night vision goggles,"Boss over here!" I heard Ajay, my head of security call out to me as I neared him. As I was just about to grab his hand, another grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from my target,"Not today princess!" Joker laughed maniachly as he threw me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. He sprinted towards the safe and I heard my men shout in pain as he was killing them off. Then a realization hit me, Jokers mask was never designed with Nightvision goggles....Joker planned this all along, and that caused a lump in my chest to form.

I wasn't about to let my men die without a fight though. So I stood up and ran towards Joker. I kicked him in the back causing him to fall in pain. I knew heels were a great idea. He rolled over and slowly began to stand up,"Let's dance clown." I laughed as we circled eachother. I took out my two remaining knives and dove for him. Tackled him to the floor and pinned him by the throat,"Nice moves Kitten." He smiled as he threw me off of him against the wall causing me to drop my knives. As he cane closer I kicked him where the sun don't shine,"Awe did the baby get hurt?" I said in a baby voice as he lowered himself the floor, groaning. Once his head was low enough, I kicked him in the face causing him to fall completely knocked out. "Nighty night Prince." I smirked as I walked away from his body. Suddenly the emergency lighting system came on. Sighs of relief escaped the people in the ballroom. I turned around, realizing that I was in a small hallway well away from the ball. I gasped as I got a good look at the bloody scene before me. Usually it would fill me with joy, but when it's your own men, it's different.

Tears threatened my eyes as I continued to look at the gruesome display,"This is for them." I said as I turned to the safe and imputed the code. The sound of gears turning filled the small hallway as the giant door swung open and revealed many different colors of jewels, all waiting for me to take them. I grabbed a bag from one of my dead men,"Sorry.." I whispered as I ran back to the safe. Just as I was about to fill the bag, a dark voice filled the hall,"Stop right there Wildcard." I let out a loud and dramatic groan,"Hiya Bats."

Sorry this took so long! Hope you guys love this!!! More to come!!! Bye all❤❤

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