2. You have arrived

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The trip to Arkham was definetly one of the most frustrating and boring things to ever happen to you. The drive was long and everytime the truck stopped, cops would open the door to check on you which would then cause you to try to escape. That "brilliant" plan only lead you to getting heavily sedated. When you woke up again, the truck was pulled up in front of a tall, dark building that you asumed was Arkham. The doors to the truck were yanked open and about 3, maybe 4 cops pulled you out. You weren't entirely sure.

The cops put you in cuffs and yanked you inside the Asylum. There, you were stripped of your clothes, hosed down, your mug shots were taken (which you couldn't help but smirk for), forced into a straight jacket, and finally shoved into a dark grey cell. As the doors closed you sat in the single chair that was in the room. You smirked at the guard and said,"I'm gonna give you hell." He then responded with,"In your dreams sweetheart." He then locked you in and you couldn't do anything but laugh. You'd be getting out, sooner rather than later.

*Time skip to a month*

You had been studying the patterns of Arkham, their routines, their guards, their exists etc. You had a plan prepped and ready to go, you just had to execute it at the right time. And there was no better time, then now. Currently, you were out of your cell in the flex zone. Your plan was to swipe a keycard from one of the guards while a fight that you will be starting occurs. The fight will be big enough that all the guards will be trying to break it up. Giving you the advantage to easily slip through the doors, grab your clothes, take out a few guards if needed, and get the hell out of Arkham.

As you were about to put your plan into action, you notice the guards bringing in a rather strange looking man into the flex zone. He was tall and slender but he was built. He had bleached skin like yours and bright green hair. His face had tattoos on it and his lips were wine red. As the guards let him go, he gave them a smile unlike any other smile you have ever seen. You noticed his teeth seemed to be encased in silver grillz. He had this look in his eyes that showcased he was completely and utterly insane. And he enjoyed it. All to which you found strangely attractive. No (Y/n)...We don't have time for that... said One of the many voices in your head. You had no choice but to agree.

You decided it was time, you went up to one of the biggest criminals in there,"Hey you!" He turned toward you practically towering over you,"I don't wanna start anything buuuut.." You pointed to the second biggest criminal in the room,"That man, thinks that you are one of the weakest people he's ever seen." You knew that he'd get upset. He marched over to the other man and then they began screaming at eachother. Soon enough, fists were flying everywhere. You then sprinted towards one of the guards and "ran into him". You quickly apologized while snagging the keycard. As the guards began to quickly file towards the fight, you took the opportunity to head to the closest exit. You quickly scan the keycard and the door opened. You sprinted down the hall laughing to yourself at how easy it was.

Jokers P.O.V

As the guards shoved me into the flex zone, I turned to them and smiled,"You'll pay for that." They only scoffed at me which caused me to laugh. As I made my way further into the zone I noticed someone new in the corner. She had bleached skin like me and neon (H/c) hair. She looked like she was deep in thought...I decided no to let curiosity get the best of me and find somewhere to think about when the hell Harls is getting me out. As I found somewhere, I noticed the same girl get up and walk towards Bane. She was somewhat intriguing to me so I watched her movements closely.

She had said something to Bane that caused him to walk up to another big inmate and they started going at it. Then outta nowhere they were fighting, leading to a riot. I decided this was the perfect time to try my hand at getting outta this hell hole. But I got distrated while I was running as I watched the (H/c) haired girl ran towards one of the guards, then she somehow made it out the door. I chose to follow her. This girl was gonna be my ticket out of this dump...

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if anything needs to be changed! By all❤❤

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