9. The voices

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Me and Joker finished up the buisness meeting at my club and were proud of the outcome. All the criminals had agreed to help us with our heist, me and Joker not telling them of the extremely high probability that we'll just shoot them all in the end. After all criminals left, me a Joker decided to celebrate with a few drinks and a hell of a lot of dancing.

Me and Joker were currently in the center of the crowd of sweaty people, lost in the vibrations and beats of the music. At some point, I don't remember when, our dancing got heated. We were grinding on eachother and our hands ran up and down each others bodies. Soon enough Jokers hands were lost in my (H/c) locks and our lips were caught in a full on make out session. After hours of making out and dancing, we decided it was the perfect time to head home. We were laughing hysterically as we zoomed in and out of lanes as J's engine roared. It felt as if everything was working the way we needed it too, like the world was on our side for once, but obviously for aaaaall the wrong reasons.

We pulled into the driveway of J's house and walked into the almost empty house laughing at a bad Joke one of us had told. Frost came and greeted us at the door,"Welcome back." Frost smiled at us,"Hey Frost." I waved a little groggy. All the dancing made me exhausted plus I was feeling a headache come along. I took my heels off and turned to the two men in front and to the side of me,"Well boys, it's been fun but my tired ass needs to go to bed." I laughed and started heading towards the stairs,"Goodnight." The pair said, I waved in response, too tired to use actual words.

I walked up to the tall gold and white door that led to my room and groggily opened it. I threw my heels to the floor with a loud thud,"Shhh be quite heels." I hushed them not really knowing why,"Damn my head hurts." I mumbled rubbing my temples. I figured a nice warm shower would help so I stripped myself of the now sweaty dress I had worn and took a relaxing shower. After cleaning my dirty body, and getting rid of that obnoxious headache, I cuddled into my big fluffy blanket on my bed and drifted to sleep.

Jokers POV

After chatting with Frost for a little, I walked upstairs to get some rest. I cracked open (Y/n)'s door to check in on her. She was sleeping peacefully all snuggled in her blankets, and I couldn't stop the little smile that began to cross my lips. This girl, she does things to me. Things that I never imagined anyone could do. She truly had my heart and I couldn't ask for anyone better to have it.

I walked away from her door, lost in my thoughts as I headed for my room. I lazily took off my shirt and pants and threw on my purple and green pockadotted sleep bottoms. I dragged my feet over to my comfy bed and fell asleep quickly...Soon the dark memories of my past flooded my brain

In Jokers Dreams...

I was outside the chemical factory after I fell into a vat of chemicals...I remember the banging headache I had...I remember pulling my hair and moaning loudly for the pain to stop. I remember looking into the water near me, taking in my reflection. I was as white as paper and my hair had been turned into a neon green color. My eyes were filled to the brim with a look of pure insanity that had completely taken over the humor you used to find in them...Now every little thing was a joke and I had no choice but to laugh.

I laughed and lauged and laughed at my reflection. Knowing I would never be the same man, never. Knowing I would never be normal again, knowing I could never be loved again...Suddenly at that moment everything started spinning and all I heard were millions and millions of voices. Screaming and screeching at me, yell anything and everything that they could think of. They ringed in my ears and it was like millions of people were surrounding me yelling things to me,"No No NO!! STOP! STOP IT! SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!" I cried scratching at my head begging something, ANYTHING to make it stop.

End of dream

Your POV

I was jerked from my sleep by the sound of screams and yells which I Assumed was coming from Joker. I threw on my slippers and ran to his room as fast as I could with my gun in hand in case any blood needed to be spilt. I kicked open the door and aimed my gun only to find a crying Joker in the corner of his room banging his head on the wall pretty hard  I dropped my gun immediately and ran towards him,"J! J STOP!" I yelled yanking him away from the wall. I looked in his eyes only to see a different side of him, his true side that he's been trying to hide.

(Play song now)
What I saw in the blue eyes was a broken man. A man who wanted more than anything to be loved and to be normal again. A man who isn't the monster everyone makes him out to be. That night I saw Joker for himself, a gentle, loving, humorous man who just needs someone to see all that.

I watched as salty tears fell from his eyes, and I gently wiped them from his cheek with my thumb as I caressed his cheek,"Hey, Whats wrong?" He put his hand on top of mine as he gazed into my (e/c) eyes,"The nightmares...the voices..." he whispered, his voice cracking at the end. Suddenly he fell to the floor as he broke down and I went down with him, craddling him in my arms as he cried. I kissed his hair and stroked his back whispering,"Its okay J, your okay. Everything will be okay." Repeatedly as I rocked him. His sobs died down eventually as I continued to comfort him,"Here let's get you to bed." I smiled to him as he looked up at me. He nodded his head as I guided him back to his bed. I helped him lay down and covered him up.

"Night Joker." I smiled to him as I kissed his forehead gently and made my way down to his lips. I tried to pull away from the supposed to be short lived kiss, but J moved his hand up behind my neck and deepened the kiss little by little until we had to pull apart for air,"Stay with me...Please?" He begged me. I smiled at him and nodded, walking around to the empty side of his bed. I laid down and pulled J close to me knowing he needed the comfort. I kissed his forehead one more time before saying,"I love you Joker." He looked up at me with so much passion as his eyes seemed to dance of happiness,"I love you too (Y/n) with every fiber of my being." He said seriously as he pulled me in for one last loving kiss before we both fell asleep clinging onto eachother, never wanting to let go.

Sorry that it's short! But I figured this would just be a cute chapter! Shout out to Hwlloeveryone for the awsome inspiration! Thanks for your support💕

Thank you all for your support!  More chapters are to come so please continue to vote and comment! Bye all and thanks again💕💕💕

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