Chapter 16: Asking For Too Much

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Yep, this is it. Every chance that Katakuri and (Y/n) had for a happy ending is ruined. For the past week, his siblings have been trying to figure out how we can salvage anything, but they're all out of ideas. Katakuri hasn't even come out of his room, so they have no idea what's going on with him. Yep, life sucks.
But even as the world feels like it's falling down for some people, it continues moving for others. It's making it hard to think, maybe that's what Katakuri is doing. Thinking. Maybe he should stop thinking though. If you think too much, it could make you insane.
The only time they see him is when he get summoned by their mother. That's the only time, no other time do they see him. He doesn't talk to them either, he just... walks past them and doesn't answer any of their questions. He's just in deep thought, unless he isn't.
He's wallowing in self pity, like everyone else at this point. But it seems like a week is too much to wallow, so maybe he's finally over it. It seems like he is too, when one morning during breakfast, he comes in.
  "Did somebody die?" his voice echoes in the silent room, everybody's faces seemed somber for this family. "Why are you all pouting? If you have nothing better to do, then-"
  "We were worried about you!" Cracker folds his arms and turns the other way. "How can you be so insensitive?"
No another word is spoken as he takes his seat. He still doesn't eat, he just observes them. It's not much, but it still makes them feel better. At least he looks like he's doing well. And he's getting out of his room. Which is great, considering, as previously stated, he hasn't been at breakfast in a week.
For Katakuri, it's just refreshing to see all of his siblings faces. They seem to be doing better than him, which isn't saying much, because he's so lost and confused on how he's supposed to be feeling. How long will it take for her to be married off? Just how long is two months?
Exactly two months. It's never changed. But it feels like it has. Two months is two months, but it feels like one whole day is a year. He closes his eyes as the room starts to fill with soft conversation, gradually getting louder.
  Somehow, it sets him at ease, so much so, the he ends up smiling. He's comfortable. He's finally back, his family's happy; he's happy. It's perfect. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Well, he could think of a few things, but he's trying not to. He lets out a sigh as they start to finish their food, the conversation slowly dying out as they each take their leave. He leans back in his chair, being the only one left in the dinning room, and opens his eyes.
The table seems so lonely without anyone else. It's so big, it has to be considering there's so many kids, so it seems lonely when no one's using it. He's never having kids. They're too much work. Plus, he'd have to get married.
And there's no one in the world that he's interested-no. He pushes the thought out of his mind, he's not going to deal with that. Not now. Probably not ever.
  His eyes land on the pile of letters that no one's read, but on top lays a card, it's a wedding invitation. He looks away before standing up, he takes slow strides before he picks it up and reads the information on it.
  He should've known better than to read it. He should've ripped it up and discarded it. He shouldn't have come down this morning. He probably shouldn't have been born.
  He places the card back down, it was too much to ask for. A perfect day where the sun is metaphorically shining. Yep, way too much to ask for. He was simply asking for too much.

-Chapter 16: Asking For Too Much End-

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