Chapter 1: Just Friends

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Stressful. That's how he'd describe his week. Nothing but stress. First he found out that it's nearing the day he's supposed to talk to Mama about getting married. Secondly, he hasn't seen his best friend in over a week. He's afraid that something might've happened to her. Thirdly, his damn siblings won't leave him alone about it.
If he had it his way, life wouldn't be like this. He'd be able to just be friends with her without the stereotype that guys and girls can't be just friends. He's been friends with her since before they could even remember, and he wants to be with her forever. But he's not in love with her.
Then again, it's not like he even knows what love is, his mother has way too many lovers to even be in love with one of them. He lets out a sigh as he sits down on his bed, they had to custom order it because of the height he inherited from his mother.
His crimson eyes look over the picture on his bedside table. He looks over the girl in the frame, her perfectly shaped face and her (e/c) eyes that are always filled with compassion, to her perfect smile that is made by her perfect lips and teeth. Everything about her face is perfect, contrary to him.
His eyes follow the flow of her (h/c) strands down to her (chest/size)-sized chest. A light pink dusts his cheeks as he lays down on the king bed. He hates hormones. She's his friend, just his friend and he definitely doesn't want her to be anything more.
Even if she's the only one he knows who thinks his mouth is adorable. He was picked on for it when they were in kindergarten, but she didn't make fun of him. In fact, that was when she had told him that his mouth was adorable. Well, after he had scared all the bullies away, that's when she approached him and told him that she was sorry for their behavior.
"People are scared of what they don't know or can't explain," he remembers staring at her hand as she held it out for him. "That's what my father tells me, he also told me that everyone needs a friend, if you don't mind, I would like to be able to call you mine!"
"Is this where I'm supposed to answer, (Y/n)?" he just stared at her before she giggled, even her laugh was beautiful. She reached out and grabbed his hand and nodded, her hair falling to into her face. "I'd love for you to be my friend..."
He pinches the bridge of his nose as the phone rings. Since then he's gotten a new sibling each year, his mom just doesn't know when to stop, she's on which number now? He doesn't actually know, he just knows that those Catholics on that one TLC show have nothing on his Mama.
He lets out an aggravated sigh, most of his siblings have never seen his whole face because he's ashamed of it. But his best friend has, and the only reason that happened was because it was before Perospero got the brilliant idea to hide the hideous thing.
Yet, she still calls it cute, even after all this time. Still, to this very day, she still says he has nothing to be ashamed of. She admitted that since it's been forever, she can barely remember what it looks like, but she always admired it.
What in the world is there to admire about him? It's bad enough that his family gets stares at because some of them have abnormal height, but he also has this handicap of a mouth. He's never going to marry, not even if Mama tells him he must.
He hears a knock on the door, so he gets up to check on who it is. His eyes meet those of his brother's, "Perorin♪, Mama would like to speak to you right now, concerning the marriage."
"Alright, I'll be there," the taller man lets out an inner sigh and nods. "Is it a private meeting, or will everybody be joining us?"
"Brûlée, Oven, Daifuku, Smoothie, and I will be joining you, Perorin♪," he swings his head to and fro as Katakuri hums.
They stop outside Mama's door and he knocks, a voice calling from within tells them to enter. They both go inside the room, the taller male going in first. He looks up at his mother and gives her a nod, "Good evening, Mama..."
"Katakuri, you do know what this is about," she only continues after he nods. "And, do you have any idea who you'd like to ask?"
"No, Mama," he shakes his head and downcasts his eyes. "Actually, if there's any po-"
"What about (Y/n)? You're always spending time with her?" Perospero yawns from the seat he had taken when he entered. Katakuri sends a sharp glance over at him, but he isn't fazed by it in the slightest. "I mean, when you two were younger and a lot more naïve, if I might add, you'd constantly talk about how you'd marry her. Aren't I speaking the truth, Perorin♪?"
Katakuri lets out a small sigh as he close his eyes and fold his arms, "Yeah, but now we're just-"
"That's a splendid idea, mamamama!" Katakuri opens his eyes and look his mom, prepared to stand up for himself. "You two were always cute together, and I already like her! You should propose to her!"
Everyone else in the room nod and mummer in agreement. She's already treated like one of them, and if his brothers had to admit they always thought those two would get married together one day. And they supported it way more than they should've.
"Alright! Now that it's been decided, this meeting is adjourned," his mother waves them off before he has any chance to object, so he just deals with it.
The door closes, he and Perospero were the last ones out of the room, "Perorin♪, would you like to walk with me for a few moments, Katakuri? I want to check up on the factories."
He nods as he walks behind his older brother, they make it halfway to the buildings with smoke puffing out of them before Perospero stops suddenly.
"Is everything alright, Perospero?" Katakuri nearly stumbles over the man in front of him as he halts. "What's the matter?"
"You're the first of us to be getting married away," he lets out a sigh. "I bet you're wondering why, Perorin♪."
"Not particularly," he watches the smoke rise knowing that sometime that pollution is going to have to come down. "But I'm guessing you have an explanation?"
"It's because you're the only one that Mama has someone she trusts to marry," he spins the giant candy cane in his hands as he turns to face the younger brother. "I have no interest in ever getting married, and I have my candy factories. Compote has had suitors, but none of them are what she's looking for in a man. As for Oven and Daifuku, you're the only one out of them who has someone that they could even be semi-romantically involved with. As for anyone else, they aren't of age yet, in Mama's eyes at least, Perorin♪."
"Alright," Katakuri sighs and looks towards the street. ""But why'd you think that I have a romantic relationship with (Y/n)? Why'd you throw her under the bus with me? After all is said and done, she and I are just-"
"Perorin♪, you know that's a lie," the older man turns back towards the factories before he lets out a sigh. "We're all just concerned for you. We don't want you to wait too long and have her married off to someone else. We all can see that you're in love with her, we aren't blind. And if you could be in the slim percentage of marrying someone, than by god, we're going to get you with her."
"You deserve to be happy with someone like her, she's already seen what you're afraid of most. You've already gotten to know her, so what's the big deal?" Perospero shakes his head left to right. "If that's not love, I don't know what is. All of your siblings just want you to be with someone who you can be happy with. Who won't call you a monster. I've said what I needed to, you can go back to the house now, Perorin♪."
As the red-haired man makes his way back to his room, everything from the day starts to sink in. It sure has been one stressful week, but every other day hasn't been as bad as this one. He sinks down into his bed again, this day sucked.
"We're just friends, (Y/n) and I," he sighs out. No one let him finish that statement today. "It's true though."
Isn't it?

-Chapter 1: Just Friends End-

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