Chapter 10: Perfectly Imperfect

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A/N: Dress 10 won, but I'm going to address something. Y'all only chose pouffy dresses. And when I thought of the reader, I seriously saw her wearing a thin, flowy dress because she's independent and s*** but, I mean. At least it was a pretty dress. Thank you for voting(all six of you). And it isn't until the next chapter... oops.
  Something about that man made Katakuri's blood boil. She doesn't belong to him, yet. And if the crimson-haired male gets a say in it, never. After all these years, maybe he's finally understood what his siblings have been trying to tell him.
  He doesn't know for sure, so when he gets home he takes the food inside. He puts it all away before he goes to the backyard and sits in the  grass. High school was the worst part of his life, and the only thing that got him through it was (Y/n).
  He lays back and stares at the clouds, something seems nostalgic about it. His eyes close, pictures flood his mind as he thinks about the past few days. Nothing good came out of them.
  Hectic. Chaotic. Hell. That's how he'd describe his week. It was like living in hell. Nothing good came out of it. Nothing. Absolutely no-he did get to see (Y/n), but that doesn't mean anything.
  Well, it means something. She makes him happy, happier than anything else in the world. Maybe his siblings are right, maybe he really is being dense and refusing every sign there possibly is that he's in lo-no. That's ridiculous. Preposterous. Inconceivable.
  He opens his eyes slightly as a shadow casts over his body. They land on a girl in leaning over him, her (h/c) strands following gravity and framing her face. Her lips form into a smile before she holds something out for him, "I was carrying this bag for you."
  He sits up and takes it from her giving her a curt nod. She sits beside him, their arms grazing each other slightly. The sit in silence for a long time before she speaks up again, "Thanks."
  "For what?" he looks at her out of the corner of his eye. "I didn't do anything. In fact, I burdened you because you had to bring me-"
  "I forced you to let me come along," she turns the top half of her body to face him. "You stood up for what you believe in. I'm proud of you."
  "You're my friend, (Y/n), I'm always going to protect you," he sees her face turn into shock. "What?"
  "I think that's the first time, you've ever been honest with me for a really long time," she wraps her arms around his upper body and nuzzles her face into his skin. "I've missed this side of you. I've missed a lot about the little boy I used to know... the one that would go trick-or-treating with me..."
  He doesn't say anything, how long has it been since someone's hugged him like this? How long has it been since he allowed it, "I'm sorry (Y/n), but I-"
  "I know things change, Kata-kitty. The only thing consistently constant is change," she closes her eyes as she lets his warmth sink into her body. "And I understand why you've changed. It's completely understandable, but it still doesn't stop me from hurting."
He faces her completely, staring down at her face, "Why would you be hurti-"
"I couldn't do anything to get you to know that you don't need to hide away. I didn't even realize that you still were dealing with all the abuse. What kind of friend am I, Katakuri?" she pulls away and wipes away the tears peaking out of the corner of her eyes. "What kind of person am I if I can even notice one small thing about the one person who means everything to me? What kind of friend doesn't notice another one hurting and only carin-"
"I didn't want to burden you, (Y/n). You know that, and if that's the case," he lets out a sigh before he reaches out and uses his thumb to wipe away the one tear that fell to her cheek. "What kind of friend am I? To make the only friend that I have left worry about me? To have everybody else try and help me, but I only turn them away?"
"I guess we both have trust issues, don't we?" she stares at him, her (e/c) orbs glistening because of the way the tears catch and reflect the light. "I mean, you can't even trust me enough to-"
He shakes his head before he lets out a big sigh, pulling down the scarf covering his mouth. Her words get caught in her throat and he immediately regrets it. He knows he's screwed up and now she'll think that he's a monster. He goes to pull it back up, but her hands place themselves on his cheeks.
Her eyes tear up even more as she gazes into his crimson eyes. She places her forehead on his as her hands play with his cheeks, her eyes plastered onto his mouth now. More tears start to fall from the pools of (e/c), her voice slightly escaping as she lets out a sob.
"You're exactly as I remember," his hands place themselves on her cheeks and rubs his thumbs across them to wipe away her tears. "They're one in the whole wide world."
"Perfectly imperfect," she takes a big gulp as he continues to wipe away her tears. "Exactly the way I remembered them."
"You're magnificent," he thumbs over her cheekbone as he watches her eyes move to his. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're the only one who tries understands what it's like that isn't in my family..."
She leans in and places a kiss onto his nose, "Kata-kitty, I lo-"
"(Y/n), I want you to ma-" she stops him in the middle of his sentence by placing her lips on his.
She hurriedly pulls away, a blush tinting her cheeks, "Meet me at the dress shop tomorrow morning... I-I should go..."
She rushes away without looking back at him, leaving him to think about what was just happening. He was going to tell her that he wants to marry her, and she was going to tell him that she... she what? This is probably for the best. She's already engaged.

-Chapter 10: Perfectly Imperfect End-

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