Chapter 2: What About You?

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She fixes her hair again for the fifth time, she decides to leave it down. Her parents called her for a meeting a couple days ago, and she's torn on what to do. She knows that she should tell Katakuri, but on the other hand she doesn't know how he's going to react.
  She doesn't want him to worry about her, but she wants to vent before she blows up. It's ridiculous that she has to worry about this, if she weren't born a woman she wouldn't have to. Air leaves her lungs as she sigh again, the wind is nice outside, but she needs to knock eventually.
Just as she raises her hand to knock on the door, it opens and the man she came to see is standing there, "Katakuri, hey."
"Is there something the matter, (Y/n)? You haven't been here in a while," he mumbles as he readjusts the black muffler around his mouth. She gives him a small smile and shakes her head. "Then why haven't you been here?"
"I've just been really busy, the uh, shop has been plagued with a ton of customers thanks to Mama's generosity," she giggles as she thinks about the way Mama always talks highly of the shop her family runs. "I came by today so that we can catch up."
  "Let's go to the park," he steps outside the door and closes it behind him. "There's something I have to tell you."
  She nods, if he tells her something then maybe she should tell him what she needs to. They walk silently there, that's the thing about their friendship, silence doesn't scare them. They're perfectly comfortable with it.
  The sky slightly clouded making it the perfect temperature. The friends take a seat on a picnic table and her (e/c) orbs look at all the children playing in the sand pit, "They sure love summer, don't they, Katakuri?"
  He nods silently, as he observes her face. He can tell that she's thinking about their days together when they were younger. He closes his eyes and faces the distant horizon, "What's on your mind, (Y/n)?"
  "Huh?" she whips her head back in his direction, he shakes his head indicating that he didn't say anything. She could've sworn he said something. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
  "It's nothing important," he runs his hand through his short hair before scratching the back of his neck. "I just wanted to catch up, like you said earlier. How was your week?"
  "It was good," she nods, but she knows that he's keeping something from her. "How's Mama and the gang treating you? My parents... they're excited for me to grow up... get married... have children..."
  He glances at her from the corner of his eye, she's forcing a smile. Like she always does, "What about you? Are you excited?"
  "It doesn't matter what I want," her smile widens and she looks at him. "But what about you?"
  "What about me?" he shrugs as she sends him a look. "I'm not going to get married."
  "Must be nice to be able to make that decision," she mumbles under her breath before she feels his eyes on her. "That's nice, at least you'll be able to attend my wedding, even if you never get married!"
  "You're keeping something from me, (Y/n)," he reaches out to her, but then changes his mind and drops his hand. "Tell me."
  "What about you, Kata-kitty?" she chuckles as his ears turn a little red at her nickname.
  "What about me?" he huffs as he pulls his scarf even higher to hide his ears completely.
  "You're keeping something from me as well," she stands up and claps her hand. "More than one thing if you count your adorable face!"
  "It's not adorable, it's hideous," he stays sitting so that he's not completely towering over her. "I don't know why you insist on saying the it's adorable, when it makes me look like a monster and you can't even remember what it looks like."
  "Because everything about you is handsome, Kata-kitty," she crawls on the bench, places her head on his forehead and stares into his crimson eyes. "I don't know why you continue to reject my words."
  "Because you don't understand what it's like, you look perfect," he looks away before she cups his cheeks, forcing him to look into her (e/c) pools. "W-what are you-"
  "Just because you think that I look perfect, doesn't mean that other people see me the same way. I still have imperfections and flaws," she smiles and drops her hands. "Even when you're perfect, you're always going to be self-conscious. No matter what. We all go through those moments when you're getting insulted."
  "Tell me, what's on your mind, (Y/n)," he looks away, and she lets out a sigh. She already knows that he's not going to divulge the information.
  "You have your secrets... and I'll have mine," she gets off before she looks over at the ice cream truck. "You want a cone?"
  He shakes his head and she shrugs, "Not today. I'm trying to cut down on the sweets."
  "You? Cut down on sweets?" her laugh sends chills down his spine before she walks away to purchase a (favorite/flavor) ice cream cone. "You're laughable."
  He shakes his head as she gets to the place and the man starts to flirt with her. He doesn't need to hear what they're saying to know what they're talking about. He probably asked her if she's dating someone, she's probably lying, he's asking if Katakuri is her boyfriend, and she nods to intimidate the man.
  But she doesn't nod, she shakes her head and looks at him sadly. He doesn't plan on asking what they talked about, because there's no guarantee that she shook her head for that reason. She's keeping something from him, but it's not like he's doing anything better.

-Chapter 2: What About You? End-

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