Beautiful Widow

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to England. This is where our great and beautiful future lies...." Resvaldo told his partners as they had just arrived at the international airport of London from Mexico.

"Thank you..." his partners replied and smiled.

"Come on, lets go and get ready, for our beautiful future awaits us." Resavaldo took his luggage and led the way to the parking lot followed by Bruno, Ivor, Cecyl and Miranda. Five sports cars were parked waiting for them. Every one got and drove off, Resvaldo leading the way to their new home.

It had been five years ever since Resvaldo, mysteriously left England with no information at all. None of his relatives, not even his own parents knew where he had ran off to. Life hadn't been easy for him when he first arrived in Mexico. He had to do different kinds of jobs and even change his identity when he heard that they were searching for him. All he wanted to do was forget about his old life for a while and return back to it when he was ready.

And when he was ready, five years later. He didn't return alone; he came back with people whom he regarded as friends, work-partners and most of all family.
The journey home took a while because the house was located outside town. Bruno had suggested it because according to him, it had an ideal view and it was in a suitable place for them to work with no problem. The mansion was huge and had everything they would ever need for work; a perfect place for them to reach their goals.

After twenty minutes, Resvaldo and his partners had settled in their new home. They had their showers and supper too. Resvaldo and Miranda were in the study room, arranging several files and stuffs which were personal and work related. A photo suddenly fell out from one of the files. He wanted to pick it up but Miranda beat him to him to it and picked it up.

"She is beautiful....." she commented as she took a closer look at the photo.

"I don't think so." He replied coldly and kept on arranging the files.

"Who is she?"

"Someone I don't want to talk about."

Actually, I'm just trying to put my crazy ideas into writing😂😂. Hope you enjoy. That's all for today dear ones. Please don't forget to vote, share and comment. Lots of love.....

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