7~Not now I had Patty

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~Luke POV~

"Why Patty? Why is Karim like this?" I asked- still very confused.

"Because he loves you Luke. He always has but so have I. I just hid it. Everyone loves you- me, Karim, Jason. We have just hid it. Karim was the first to admit to both me and Jason and then Jason admitted his crush to me alone. All in the same week. I cried. I didn't know what to do. You and Jason had been such close friends and I thought that meant I would never had a chance so I got scared and I dated Karim. We didn't love eachother but we needed something. We had sex and I hated it and so did he but I couldn't stand the fact that Jason could probably get you just like that but now I have you and Karim hates me for that Luke he really does." Patty really really hated himself for saying that- I could tell.

"Look Patty- I did date Jason in the past but only briefly and it wasn't right. We both knew that. So we broke up and din't speak for ages. But we fixed it. We are best friends- no, we are best boyfriends. But not to eachother. We love eachother but not passionatley- only as friends. I love you Patty. You can fix this with Karim- like you fixed me." I whispered. I really wanted to kiss him now- Kiss him all over his body- heal him of his pain. This din't feel like the right time for that so instead i just pulled him closer to me and hugged him. I was sat behind him so I leant over to kiss his neck. He jumped at this action and fell bakcwards pushing him down with me. We started in a laughing fit before realising that Jason was stood at the door. He was smiling- but something in his eyes told me the smile was hiding something. He didn't look like a friend- he didn't look like Jason. I could tell that my face was showing my emotions as Patty reached over and took hold of my hand before squeezing it and then keeping his grip. Jason walked over to me, bent over my face and kissed my lips passionatly. He then bit my ear- just as I did with Patty and left. He smirked at what he had done and left. What had Jason just done? He was meant to be my bestfriend. Our past was dark- a place I never wanted to re-visit but he obviously did. If he wanted me that bad then he could of had me but not now- not now I had Patty. 

I looked down to Patty- confused. Patty looked up to me with wide eyes- full of fear. "Luke..." Patty trailed off. He just didn't understand "Luke... are-are-are you sure you broke up with Jason" Patty cried into my leg. "Of course love... of course. Jason... Jason just... he just really enjoyed our relationship and he's obviously just been hiding all the pain- pretending to get over it."

"So he's probably just got jealous!" Patty piped up- a little happier. "Yeas babe- of course!" I cheered. "Now, come on sit up- let's sort you out." I sat Patty up and turned him round opposite me. I cleared the wet tears away and kissed and the wet tear marks until his face was clear and dry. 

I'm in Love with Patty WaltersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum