Chapter 14: Trapped?

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Attention:  This is going to be a short chapter.  I'm still coming up with ideas as of now.



We've been in this club for almost 2 hours and i'm having the best time of my life! Gena is having a good time also. She's up in some guy's face right now. There were a few guys that tried to have a conversation with me but they were either ugly, had smelly breath, or their teeth were twerking.

But, there is one guy that I have my eyes on.

Feeling myself, I walked over to the bar.

"One shot of patron please," I said with confidence.

The bartender smiled, "Patron? For a woman like you? You sure you can handle it?"

I smirked. "Baby, I'm a grown ass woman. Now give me my shot please."

He laughed while fixing my drink.

As I finished up the last drop the bartender passed me  bottle of Mascoto.

"Uhh.. I didn't order this!"  I said getting pissed.

"Calm down pretty lady. The guy over there sent it to you." It took me a minute to find what guy he was talking about until he pointed at him. The guy i've been watching all night.

When I realized who he was, I quickly gave him a seductive smile. He smiled back.

My heart melted. He has the prettiest white teeth ever! I have to get a closer look.

I got up off of the bar stool and made my way over to him.

"Thanks for the drink sir." I said with a wink.

He grinned. "You're welcome ma. Can I see you sometimes?"

I tried to keep my composure but he is just too damn fine.

"Uh............ Yeah, sure!" I said. Trying to sound as confident as possible.

He laughed. "You don't have to be scared around me. I won't bite. I promise."

He bit his bottom lip and I almost fainted. Why is he so sexy?

I tried to play it off but this guy is absolutely breathtaking. After I regained my confidence, I said, "Well if you do bite, I will be sure to bite you back."

He erupted in laughter! I was so embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"I'm sorry ma but that was corny as hell. You cute though, Here's my number. Hit my line sometimes. My name is Chance by the way."

I smiled as he put his number into my phone.

"Okay, I will."

As I began to walk off, he grabbed my arm.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked showing his pearly whites.

I nodded.

As we made our way to the dancefloor, K Camp's "Blessing" blasted through the speakers.

I put my butt up against him while his hands were wrapped around my waist.

This felt so perfect.

As he was holding on to me, I noticed Shelly walk in the door.

His eyes landed right on me.


I sense some trouble in the air!!!!!!! What yall think?

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