Chapter 1: Introduction

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I almost forgot to introduce myself!

My name is Cashmere Banks and I am 21 years old. My street names are Lady Hustler & Cash.

When I was younger, people used to make fun of my name. You should see why.

But what's funny is, the people that made fun of my name are also the motherfuckas that buy drugs from me. Funny how life works right?

I had one brother. He was 24 years old when he died. His name is Legend. Legend was running a drug cartel and one day he got caught slipping. I'm not gonna go into detail but the people that murdered my brother got what they deserved.

I was raised in Queens all my life. Never had shit. My mother was a stay-at-home and my dad worked at a paper mill. We didnt have that much money. But what we did have was LOVE and LOYALTY.

Thank God my parents are still alive. Matter of fact, they help me run my cartel.

I can't really say why I love money so much. Maybe because growing up, we didnt have a lot.. Or maybe cause I love the feel of it.... Or the way it smells.

Bitches out here fucking for free while I'm tryna get rich! Step ya game up. Cashmere is never going broke. Don't believe me? Just watch.

Well, enough with all my small talk. Let's start with the story...

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