Chapter 2: Lucky Day

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"Hurry up and pay me nigga! I gave you a lap dance plus a kiss! You better be glad I gave yo ugly ass that much." I said to one of my customers.


"Aight Cash! Damn!" He reaches in his pocket and pulled out 5 crisp one hundred dollar bills. I licked my lips. Oh how I love money!

"Thank you very much T. Have a nice day." I grabbed my money and smiled.

He grinned. "You too Cash."

T is a regular customer. He's not a pervert like some of the other guys in here. All he ever wants is a lap dance. I gave him a kiss just cause he was looking good today.

As I exited the small room we were in, I bumped into my boss, Shelly.

"How much you earned today Cash?" He asked.

"Well over 3 thousand, sir." I said with the biggest smile.

"Alright young lady. I know your shift ends in a few minutes but I need you to do just one more show."

I looked at him like I was crazy.

"Please Cash! You can take off for the next two days if you do." He said while smiling.

"Okay boss. Whatever you want." I said with a wink.

To be honest, my boss was fine as hell. He was 6'2 , caramel skin with a body out of this world. He also had this smile.. It was something about it. Mesmerizing would be a good word to describe it.

"And when you're done, meet me in my office." He said while winking.

Hmm, today is my lucky day!

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