Chapter twenty three

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"Teams shake hands." Madam Hooch called. It had been a few weeks since Ginny and Draco had stopped talking. Draco had attempted to talk to her a few more times, but eventually his mask of stone returned. He was no longer the Draco Ginny loved. But she knew she still loved him. She looked up at the cold face opposite her. "No falling off your broom. Don't want a repeat of last time, do we Weasley?" He said. She flinched, remembering that when she fell of her broom it was the real beginning of her relationship with Draco. "I'll try my hardest." She said. He held out his hand and she took it, shaking it once. Again, she jumped as a shot of electricity ran through her body. Why did this happen to her?

"Mount your brooms!" She did as Madam Hooch instructed, watching Draco. He smirked at her. "Ready, Gin?" Angelina asked her, as they waited for the whistle. Ginny nodded. "This is it. We have to win this." She said. And she meant it, she wanted more than anything to win this match. Draco rolled his eyes at her. The whistle rang loudly in her ears as she kicked off the ground. She flew up, shoulder to shoulder with Draco. She flinched again as she remembered he had bought her this broom that allowed her to keep up with him. She elbowed him out of her way and flew after Katie, who had possession of the quaffle. She flew in front of her, caught the quaffle and threw it towards the middle hoop. As she reached out her arm to throw it she felt the weight of someone's body pushing on her arm, causing the quaffle to miss the hoop by quite a distance. She searched for the person and scowled as she realised it was Draco. Of course, she thought. The match was spent marking each other, shoulder to shoulder. Usually Ginny would have found this amusing, she enjoyed competition during quidditch, but today she was determined to win and would not let him take advantage of her. It lasted the whole day, the Slytherin seeker refused to let Harry get to the snitch. Both sides did extremely well, especially the chasers. If the Gryffindors scored, Slytherin would score next. The score remained even until finally Harry caught the snitch. Gryffindor won 750 - 600. Ginny grinned as she heard, "And Harry Potter has finally caught the snitch! After a whole day of playing, Gryffindor have won the Quidditch cup!" Lee Jordans was continuously shouting this and even Professor McGonagall looked extremely happy. Ginny was suddenly squeezed inbetween Katie and Angelina, who were directing her towards Harry who had been given the cup to hold. Ginny pulled him into a hug, grinning. And they were suddenly a big red huddle of people, Harry and Ginny in the middle. They spent about five minutes laughing as a team, this was the first time that year they had felt so united. Finally they got off their brooms and were surrounded by their fellow Gryffindors, and quite a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. The team were ordered to go and shake hands with the Slytherins. She shook their hands reluctantly, wincing as they squeezed her own hard, she wasn't paying attention to who she was shaking hands with until she bumped into Draco.

"Well done, Weasley." He said, shaking her hand, she tried to ignore the shot of electricity that once again ran through her as soon as they touched. "Cheers, Malfoy." She stared as he flinched, why was he flinching? He was the one that started calling her by her last name first. This wasn't fair, how did he always manage to make her feel guilty. "We have to talk, Draco." She murmured, knowing she was probably doing the right thing, sorting it out with him finally. "Not now." He said, looking for the rest of his team, who were some distance away, waiting for him. "Tomorrow." She nodded and watched him walk away with his team, before allowing herself to be pushed back into the group of happy Gryffindors. The party in their common room went on that night until three in the morning, but Professor McGonagall told them Professor Snape was complaining, although she couldn't 'Quite see how the noise affects him and his house since we are at the top of the castle and they are at the bottom.' Finally Ginny climbed into bed with hushed voices of the girls in her dormitory congratulating her once again.

She woke late the next day, looking forward to a long day of just relaxing, except for perhaps a tense conversation with the boy she hadn't spoken to for weeks. She made her way down to breakfast and found Hermione and Ron sitting together. She smiled to herself and walked over to them, "where are the others?" Ron shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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