Chapter thirteen.

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Ginny ignored Draco for a long time, she no longer felt the same way about him. She ignored him, as he ignored her. For a while she had felt guilty, because as she had walked away from him she had once again seen that pained expression. She had been planning on apologising, but the next time she saw him he was back to his old self.

"Draco?" She said to him, as she walked out the great hall next to him and a few other Slytherins.

He turned around and looked at her with disgust. "Yes?"

"Um, I was just going to, uh," She hesitated.

"Hurry up Weasley, haven't got all day." He smirked.

"Nothing." She glared, forgetting all the feelings she ever felt for him.

"Mental," Draco said to the blond girl, she laughed shrilly as he put his arm around her shoulders.

Ginny ignored him from then on, becoming closer to Harry as Draco became closer to the Blond girl, who's name was Celia. One day Ginny was sitting with Hermione in the Great Hall, Hermione was watching Draco, then looking at Ginny.

"What on earth are you doing Hermione?" Ginny sighed.

"You and Draco Malfoy don't talk anymore." She said, stating the obvious.

"We hate eachother's guts." Ginny smiled at her, sarcastically.

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. We had an argument in Hogsmeade, and I think he decided I wasn't worth the effort." Ginny said loudly, the Great hall was empty as it was early on a Saturday morning. Draco's head snapped up, and he glared at her. She grinned at him, but not in a friendly way, she looked more menacing and hysterical. As if on queue, she began laughing hysterically at his expression. Hermione shook her head. Draco scowled and looked away.

"I just don't understand. You guys were good for each other. You're both incredibly defensive, you both get very angry easily and you both love to be right. And since he was such a horrible person, your usually sweet nature seemed to make all the difference." Hermione said, in a hushed voice. Ginny laughed.

"Me and him? Good for each other? That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard!" She said loudly again, standing up and walking out the Great Hall still chuckling to herself.

Draco watched her leave, then turned to scowl at Granger. She flushed red and left as well.

"Bitch." He heard Pansy's voice come from across the table."That Weasley girls got too much attitude. She better watch herself." She elbowed Celia. Draco looked at them. Why should he care what they do to her? He had now decided to give up completely on her, she wasn't worth it. She hated him. But he felt hurt she thought that she wasn't worth the effort. She was amazing when they had what they almost did. He meant every word he said, excluding their arguments. She was always worth the effort, just not anymore. Celia, Pansy and their entourage stood up.

"See you in a bit, Draco." Celia said, kissing him on the cheek, "We're gonna go teach Weasley a lesson."

Draco's heart sped up. Ginny would give up a fight, but there were six prepared girls all with their wands out against one unsuspecting girl. One unsuspecting girl who he had cared about once, and although Draco didn't know it for sure yet, still cared about. He got up and followed the girls at some distance, wanting to see how Ginny would defend herself. Ginny had been in a classroom by herself, doing some work, and unfortunately the girls had found her. Draco pushed open the door and slipped inside. Some of the girls nodded at him, Celia grinned, thinking he had come to watch 'the show'.

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