Chapter fifteen.

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Draco opened his window as far as it would go. It was the morning after he had sent his letter. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. There was a light knock on the door. It opened and his mother popped her head around the door.

"Draco, dear. Breakfast is on the table." She said. 

"Okay." He said, solemnly.

"Are you okay? You aren't ill, are you sweetie?" She said, placing her hand on his forehead.

"I'm fine." He said, "I'll be down in a minute." His mother nodded and went out. Draco pulled himself off his bed and went down stairs into their large dining room. His aunt, Bellatrix, was staying at their home.

"Good morning, Draco." Her smile was sort of scary.

"Good morning." He said, taking his seat. His mother placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. "Thanks," He mumbled. He ate quickly, wanting to go upstairs again.

"So Draco, how's school? Got lots of friends?" Bellatrix asked him.

"Of course Draco has friends, Bellatrix." His father said.This wasn't entirely true. Draco had lots of people who wanted to be his friend. But the only friend Draco wanted was Ginny.

"I have a lot of friends, Aunt Bellatrix." Draco smiled.

"And what about a girl friend?" She asked, this time Draco's father waited expectantly for his answer.

"I've had two girl friends, but I broke up with them both." He said, slowly, he was referring to Celia and Pansy.

"Why did you break up with them son? What were their names?" His father asked him.

"Pansy Parkinson, I broke up with her because she wasn't good enough for me." He decided he might as well act as the same bigheaded Draco in front of his father. Both Bellatrix and his father nodded.

"Understanderble." Bellatrix said, "Her parents aren't very interesting. Wimps, if you ask me."

"Who else?" His father asked.

"Celia Brown." Draco said. His mother's mouth dropped open.

"Celia is very pretty, Draco. Her mother is a dear friend of mine! Both her parents are very skilled wizards." She said.

"Now, now Narcissa. If Draco thinks she isn't good enough for him then she isn't good enough for him." Bellatrix said, beaming at Draco.

Ginny's good enough for me, Draco thought, Ginny's too good for me.

"Yes, Draco will find a much more attractive girl." His father said. Draco smiled slightly, excused himself and went up to his bedroom.

His owl was perched in his cage, holding out his leg obidiently. Draco shut his door and hurried over to it, untying the letter and stroking his owl. He read the letter and he smiled. He liked it. It was like having a piece of Ginny to keep forever. But he would prefer to have the whole of Ginny who keep could keep temporarily. He took out some parchment and began to write back.

Dear Ginny,

You sound like your having fun.I honestly have nothing to do. Crabbe and Goyle are coming to stay soon. My mother invited them without asking me.

My aunt just asked me about my love life, you should have seen my mother's face when I told them I had been out with, and then dumped Celia. She's probably personally apologising right now. I think their family must be very high up on the importance level.

You don't miss me more, trust me. I think about you every second. My aunt asked me whether I had many friends, and I thought yes I do have quite a few friends, but the only friend I want is you. Keep writing to me, please, or I'll go crazy. God knows how I'll survive the next few weeks.

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