chapter six.

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The next few days were spent with Draco ignoring Ginny, if he wasn't mocking her. And Ginny spent her days trying to catch Draco's eye, her nights were spent crying. She didn't talk to anyone, not even Harry.

She didn't understand why she had reacted this way, she had always thought she didn't care about Draco, but she did. A lot.

Hermione and Luna were very concerned, but they reacted differently. Hermione spent her time trying to comfort her, trying to get her to talk, whilst Luna just sat with Ginny reading or doing homework. She knew both meant well.

Ron, Harry, Fred and George had all found out about what happened with the note, but Hermione explained to them the joke Ginny and Draco had, and that Draco had showed Pansy and Pansy started shouting about it. They were confused about this friendship between Ginny and Draco, but didn't question her. Instead they all confronted Draco, and had a fight. Ginny still did not talk.

She no longer believed Draco had shown Pansy the note, but she did not tell anyone this, they would never believe her anyway.

Ginny still attended Quidditch practise. She played better than ever. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle always watched. They constantly laughed at her and Harry, and she wanted Draco to realise how good she was. This was the only thing she kept the same in her life.

On Saturday, it was the first Quidditch match. Gryffindor against Slytherin. This was the most nervous she had felt for a quidditch match, ever. Purely because her and Draco would be playing at the same time. Ginny changed in silence.

"Good luck, Ginny. You're one of our best players at the moment, you'll make all the difference," George grinned and pulled her into a hug. All of her brothers were being very kind to her at the moment. As the team walked out in a line onto the pitch, she groaned as she realised she would be shaking hands with Draco, as he was also the youngest chaser on the Slytherin team.

"Teams shake hands." Madam Hooch said clearly. Ginny glanced up at Malfoy. He was holding out his hand, his face a mask of stone. Ginny took his hand and shook it slowly, as she touched his hand she suddenly felt a shot of electricity shoot through her. And then it was gone. She gasped and drew back her hand. He looked at her quizically, then composed himself once again.

"Mount you brooms" She heard Madam Hooch say, she got onto her broom, still staring at Draco. She heard the whistle, but neither her or Draco moved.

"Ginny! Come on!" She looked up to see Harry shouting at her. She glanced at Draco again, then flew up. She caught up with Angelina, who was in the process of throwing the Quaffle to Katie. All three girls flew at great speed towards the hoops. Katie threw the Quaffle to Ginny, who swerved around, confusing the keeper, then threw it into the left hoop.

"Ten points to Gryffindor!" She heard Lee Jordans voice in the distance "That Ginny Weasley, she's a right good chaser she is! Wouldn't mind going out with that one, you know, if she wasn't my bestfriend's sister!"

Ginny started laughing. Lee often made funny comments during the matches. She looked at Harry, and laughed at his expression. But suddenly stopped, she had seen Draco, his reaction matched Harry's. He was glaring at Lee with even more jealousy that Harry. Ginny shook her head, then focused on the match again. Both her and Draco were the stars of the match. It definitely seemed like each one was trying to impress the other. Eventually the match finished, with Gryffindor having 65 more points than Slytherin.

Just as Harry caught the snitch, one of the Slytherin beaters hit a bludger right at Ginny. It knocked her off her broom, and as she hurled towards the ground she caught the look of horror on Dracos face. She closed her eyes and prepared for pain.

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