The Princess and The Pirate

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Hey guys i decided to do something with a pirate and a princess but with Percy Jackson sorry if you don't like Percy Jackson and if you want me to do something else comment. anyways i got this idea from great writers and i hope i can match up to them.


I sit peacefully in the library its a beautiful day but ill never get to enjoy it. I'm a princess well my full title is Princess Annabeth of Athens and i hate it. My mother Queen Athena she believes that i can't protect myself and that I'm going to be stolen. I had multiple tutors and have spent years practicing fighting skills. Not to mention battle and war strategies. Though I'm a princess I'm always cooped up.

  Hazel my maid enters with her frizzy golden brown hair flying and her golden eyes darting all around until they land on me. We had found Hazel on the slave market. My mother "bought" her, I never quite liked that idea and I hated the fact that she was treated like so.

 "Princess Annabeth you have guests and your mother sent me to get you to Piper." she says looking pretty angry. I know not to mess with Hazel when she is angry. One time another servant had brought the wrong jewel and now that servant isn't seen near Hazel or jewelry.

I nod my head and we walk the white marble halls and beautiful architecture to my room. I loved the castle greatly for though it was considered small for a castle. It had a huge library and many great sculptures.

 We arrive at my room to find Piper my other maid is standing near my dresser with her brown hair uneven cut braided hair and rainbow changing eyes. She was found also in the slave trade I forced my mother to get her so the beautiful girl wouldn't end up in the sex trade.

"Princess Annabeth i picked out a dress i hope you approve." Piper says sweetly. She shows me a flowing peplos the color of the calm light blue sea. "Oh Piper i love it its beautiful just like the sea." I say excited.

They helped me get dressed and my hair done for the guests that had arrived. I hate this part I would much rather stay in my training clothes. The clothes were only a tunic and some pants but it was much more comfortable than the dresses.

They lead me to the throne room where inside there is my mother shaking hands with Zeus the king of Rome and next to him was his son with his blonde hair and electric blue eyes. They were a new and rising empire and knowing my mother this was going to be a political meeting. I hated these the only fun one was when the twins had come with there father Hermes and put frogs in the soup. Usualy I just sat there and in the words of Piper, "Look pretty and say nothing."

I walk in slowly and stand near my mother Jason his son looks at me kindly but I know where this is going. my mother asks to give us a moment and she pulls me into the hall. "Annabeth listen they are a rich and great family. we agreed that you and Jason should be wed tomorrow." she says pleading.

Tomorrow! Before i can protest I'm pulled back in and fall right into the arms of Jason. "hello" he said with a smile more of pity.

 "hello" I say giving the same expression.

We both simply sit and listen to the two talk about how to combine the kingdoms. The whole time I see Jason dazzled by Piper. I have seen many Lords and Princes ask if she is my sister I know she is much more interesting than me. The meeting ends after what seems like centuries. Piper and Hazel help me undress and get me ready for bed.

That night I'm sitting on my bed depressed thinking that soon I would be a wife, a mother. I'm not ready to have kids I just want to see the world. Or at least travel to the town.

I went to sleep reading a old story of pirates. The ones where the scorn the seas searching for a lost treasure or a new ship to pillage. Thank goodness for Piper who convinces the guards to let her slip me the forbidden books.

 I woke up to screaming and gun firing. I grabbed my dagger that one of my friends Luke gave me before i was banned from outside. I jump up and prepare to go out but the doors burst open with two boys around my age of 20. One was scrawny and had brown messy hair the other had a military cut and looked kinda Chinese. They grabbed me by my arms. I was not going down without a fight so I cut the scrawny boys arm. The Chinese boy noticed and took my dagger before i could try again.

"Whoa Frank shes a kicker the captain will like her." said the scrawny one. I'll definitely get that one first.

 "Leo don't even think about the captain said to get her and her maids unharmed and untouched." Frank said. Leo shook his head and laughed.

"Whatever he's always so strict about it."

They pulled me out to the throne room. Though it took them a while for I kicked and puched everything I could get at. When I finally arrived at the throne room i was surprisingly gently put in a cage with Hazel and Piper. Hazel looked scared and Piper was protectively hugging her trying to make sure no flame or spark touched her. I joined Piper and huddled to protect Hazel.

I looked around for anyone to help. I hated it not being able to do anything but hope for someone. Then I saw Jason fighting off Leo who fell quickly and Frank who took around 10 minutes. He hurried over once they were both out and starts to swing his sword at the lock of the cage but was pulled back by a boy with dark black hair and sea green eyes.

Jason fought him until they were man to man they each took hit after hit but one really good right hook to the jaw Jason was down. "JASON!" I scream but he wont wake up. All I get from my scream is the boy to walk over to me.

He looks at me then yells "LEO! FRANK!" they both rush over terrified "Once we board the ship I want you to take the maids..... to where ever you like" I gripped them both tighter " but first bring the princess to my chambers." they nod and the one called Frank shape shifted into a giant lion. I have heard of his tales but I don't think its true. Though he goes by the name Zhang in his stories. Leo moves and strapped the cage onto the lions or Franks back. 

We move quickly and I make sure that Hazel and Piper stay as far away from the black metal bars. Then I hit the top of the cage and blacked out with the thought of what would happen to Hazel,Piper, and me.


Hoped you enjoyed the story i will update soon. (NOW EDITIED)

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