Chapter 5

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Hey guys Polly here...172 views I'm so happy. Anyways here is the chapter.
Jason's POV

"How did you lose her!!" Screamed my father. I flinched at his voice. He was sitting on his towering throne. My mother no where to be seen. The room felt as if electricity was running along each wall.

Which I probably actually was.

YOU COULDN'T EVEN BEAT A BANDIT IN A SWORD FIGHT." He said as thunder sounded outside.

I knew it was a big deal we may have a vast empire. Many people are under are under our rule but small resources. We lived on a great mountain range. The castle was sat upon Mount Olympus the tallest mountain in all 12 kingdoms. My father needed this marriage to help get us more farmland and knowledge from Athena's kingdom.

Sometimes I think he cares about the empire more than his own son.

The mission was not total waste at least I saved one beautiful maiden. Her name is Piper and I enjoy her company. She's really nice and doesn't mind other stuff girls like her would usually mind. I knew a girl named Drew once who was not as beautiful as Piper but was pretty.....though she was extremely rude.

I wish my father thought that way but life is not perfect. I spend my days with Piper or I am trying to find the princess. A princess I don't even know. A princess that I was going to marry without knowing at all what she is like.

How did they escape? Its an odd transition but it is a big question.

I finally decide the castle library will have no real stories about him. For I had headed there in hopes of finding out something. I mean there isn't even a birth record on this guy. Though I realized I didn't know his name so the library would be of little use.

In the dead of night I sneak out and head to the docks. It is a gloomy night and you hear waves and drunk sailors. I look like an old beggar and head into Dead Sea. It is a rowdy place with sailors bothering waitress and drinking. There is a bar to my right and dark corners only show moving blobs of black. though I would rather not see what they are doing it would be better to know my surroundings.

Tonight the tell stories about treacherous seas, deadly monsters, and pirates. One man comes up with greasy black hair and dark robes. He speaks like a lost soul and smells of death. He has a dark jacket and a sword of some sort hanging off his hip. I do not look him in the eye.

To my right I hear from a burly man, "Isn't that Nico...the man who was almost killed by the pirate Jackson."

Nico says, "Many know the tales of he pirate Jackson and his horror. He is not only a deadly pirate but also a demigod." Murmurs filled the room. Demigods to some this was a symbol of power to others of damage. Demigods could be born of anyone one as long as one of the 12 kingdoms rulers was a parent. they were said to have supernatural powers. If so I have yet to discover mine. Though must do not get powers at all. he continued, " he is the son of the ruler Poseidon. He possesses the powers of the water. Which makes him extremely dangerous at seas. He can crush your ship in one blow it send a deadly sea creature after you. One thing is for sure he is not one to chase into the waters."

"Then why did you?" says a voice in the back.

The boy then left out the door in hurry. I got up and ran after him if what he said was true then that what I'm up against. I catch up quickly and grab his arm. He turns and tries to punch me in the gut but fails when I catch it. His eyes show in fear that quickly changes to struggle.

"If it's true you know him, I need your help he has stolen something for me and I need help getting it back."

"Why should I help a beggar like you?" He says questioning." Because I have what your looking for Nico." He looks straight at me and says, "You better have a good boat."

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