Chapter 15

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Hey guys this is Polly here and yay I'm updating!! I have been thinking about writing for once and I wasn't half-asleep. I know right a miracle!! Anyways here is Chapter 15!
(Betcha you didn't see that coming)

"So what your telling me is that there is going to be a little Percy or a little Annabeth running around."

The seven were sitting in the mess hall having a meeting. The seven is the cool name I came up with. We're like the Justice League and Wonder Woman and Aqua-man are so a couple.

It was roughly 9 months after we had....i guess you could say "captured" Annabeth. But come on have you met her crazy mother. Anyways we were having the meeting that Percy called and now was yelling a Jason about making a baby watch.

"Guys come on this is Annabeth we're talking about. She will be fine." said Piper. Yeah Piper decided to stop serving people and start serving JUSTICE! I told her that and I now have a red hand mark on my face.

"Piper is right and besides if Annabeth's water breaks Percy can hold it." I said laughing with Hazel rolling her eyes and Percy looking like I was going to die. Weird right?

"Why are we even having this meeting I say we just dock for a week or two and have me be checked by an Apollo kid." Annabeth said standing up.

We then all agreed Annabeth was right but we walked away with Percy holding Annabeth with Piper and Jason following behind. Frank and Hazel left after to go check on them. Honestly i usually only pay attention if I can put in a good joke or if it relates to me.

So I guess you could say lots of stuff have happened. One thing is the pregnancy. I mean Percy the first pirate with a baby. Laughing at the thought I play around with the controls. until I hear a scream and run out to see Annabeth clutching her stomach Percy holding her and Jason trying to pick her up to bring her to the nearest shore.

I check the map and know we are nowhere near land.

"Percy you ready to deliver a baby!?" , I say praying to the gods that this is like a machine.


And sorry for the short chap just wanted to really update for you guys!

Polly out!

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