Chapter Twenty-Nine: The doctor's fault

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Freya's P.O.V

"Will you marry me?"

I didn't have to think. I all ready knew my answer. Yes. I tried to speak but I was crying. I just nodded. Diaval smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger. It was beautiful. A black and white feather. "Oh Diaval!" I said and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "I love you so much and yes, I will marry you." I said. Diaval chuckled. "Thank you Freya, for everything." Diaval said. I smiled.

We spent the rest of the day outside on the field. Until the sun was down and the stars came up. "How to you still remember that sentence?" I asked looking up. "I don't know. I guess it never really slipped out of my mind." Diaval said. I smiled. "Good enough for me." I said. We continued to stare at the stars. "I can't wait for the little one." Diaval said. I smiled. "One month to go." I said. "Yes, and when he of she is here, we throw the biggest party in the village. Every one is invited." Diaval said. I chuckled. "Everyone?" "Yes." "That lady from the barn too?" I asked. "No! She not. She scared me really." Diaval said. I laughed. "Remember that one time when I scared you?" I asked. "Yes! Two months ago yes! That wasn't funny at all." Diaval said while he chuckled. "Yes it was." I said. We both ended up laughing like crazy. "I love you Freya." Diaval said suddenly. I smiled. "I love you too." I said and I gave him a kiss. "You were pretty nervous." I teased. "Hey! It was really difficult! I've never done this before! I had to ask a guard to go shopping with me!" Diaval said. I smiled. "Who?" I asked. "Edward." Diaval said. "Oh that one, yeah I know him." I said with a teasing tone. "Hey!" Diaval said. I chuckled. "Don't you worry big guy." I said. "You're mine."

One month later.

I sat on the chair by the fire. Reading my book. Diaval came into the room and sat next to me on the ground. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I replied. "So, did you plan the wedding?" I asked. "Yes it will be over six months and the theme will be white and doves." Diaval said. "And ravens." I added. Diaval chuckled. "And ravens." Diaval said. I smiled. "Why don't you never change back?" I asked, looking up from my book. "I don't know, I never feel the need for it anymore." Diaval said. I nodded and I stood up to put the book back into the shelf, when I suddenly felt something dripping down my legs. I dropped the book. I looked down and saw water. My water broke. "Diaval?" I whispered. "Hmm?" "The baby is coming." Diaval stood immediately besides me. I began to breath heavy. "Freya! Calm down." He said. I groaned from the sudden pain. "I feel tired." I said, and that was when it became chaos. "Baby is coming!" Diaval yelled. Immediately there stood Sam and another maid to help me. They walked to me and grabbed my arms. "We take it from here." Sam said and Diaval nodded. They took me to my room and laid me on the bed.

Diaval's P.O.V

Five hours later.

The baby still didn't born. I waited outside the room. I heard Freya yell in pain. I wish I could be with her right now. Edward came next to me. "So it is happening." Edward said. I nodded. "She must be in pain." I said. "But she is strong." Edward said. "Yes she is." I said. We stood there awkwardly. "Okay Freya! You can push." I heard Sam say. I heard Freya hold her breath. She groaned in pain. She was out of breath. "Again." Sam said. Again Freya pushed. Suddenly I heard a baby cry. It cried! I stormed into the room. Freya laid under the covers and on her chest was the baby wrapped in a cloth. "It's a girl." Freya said. "I knew it." I said smiling. "Yes indeed, so what should we name her?" Freya asked still out of breath. "Ariadne." I said. "I'm good with that." Freya said. "Thank you." I said. "For what?" "For bringing me a wonderful gift." I said and I fell tears rolling down my cheek. Freya had tears too. "It was my pleasure." She said. "So when is the party?" I asked. "The day after tomorrow. I need rest." Freya said. Her bump was allot smaller. "Okay, so in two days?" I asked and Freya nodded. "With healing powers I should be recovered by then." Freya said. "Do you want to hold her?" I nodded. Freya handed Ariadne over to me. She had my color hair and expressiom. But she has Freya's eyes. I smiled. "Hey baby girl. How are you?" I asked. I stroke her tiny cheek. I looked over to Freya, who fell in sleep. I smiled and placed Ariadne in the cradle. I walked out of her room to my own room, with a big smile on my face. I have a baby. I have a girl.

Freya's P.O.V

Turns out that it wasn't a boy. The doctor was wrong. But he also said it was a fifty fifty change. The doctor guessed and I accepted it. It is a girl. My little girl. My sweetness. My light. My love.


Did you like it? Again the short chapter. But I promise, the next last chapter will be long. And good. hah. And hah! A girl. Did you expect that? Next chapter more surprises!

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