Chapter Seventeen: We meet again

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So, my brain is being stupid. I'm slowly sliding into a writer's block. I hate it and I have not many drafts left. So now I need help. Do you have a plot that I can use? Because I don't know how to continue and I want to continue so bad, but it feels so stupid when you not capable of that. I have a small plot, but with my mini-plot I can just reach like 5 chapters. Well, enjoyyy!

Freya's P.O.V

"Come on faster!" I said as I ran through the cold corridors of the cellar. "Freya! It has no use! She already went inside!" Abby said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "She is like my sister, I won't let her die!" I said. I looked to the guy behind her. I nodded and ran again. I can't let her die. I repeated that sentence over and over in my head. I came in the large hall with two doors. One from were we came from, and one across. I saw maids dragging a body away and I knew immediately who it was. I collapsed on my knees. Tears were falling down my cheeks. "We're to late." I said sobbing. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me. "It's never to late, Freya." Abby said. I looked to the ground. "Who is the boy?" I asked, still looking to the ground. "Oh, I just bumped into him. His name is Levi." Abby said. I nodded. I felt tears in my eyes. "Freya! Don't cry!" Abby said. "I'm sorry, I can't handle it." I said. "Don't apologize. We are going to escape this castle and find the perfect love for her so he can kiss her awake." She said. Yes Abby knew about the curse. I mean, who doesn't know about it? "I hope so. And how are we going to escape?" I asked. "We'll figure something out."

Three hours later

"Are you sure it is this way?" I asked Abby. She nodded. We were looking for the exit. Not that it was easy to find. This castle is huge! We walked to the corridor. The corridor that lead to the wings. The room. "What are all those noises downstairs?" I asked. ( the noises are the fight by the way.) "I don't know." Abby said. I heard footsteps coming upstairs. "We have to hide!" I said. We ran into the room. "Wow, Look at those beauties." Abby said pointing to the wings. "Yes, I've seen them earlier." I said. We hid behind the box, waiting. The door opened and closed again. There was a moment of silence.

Suddenly, the wings began to move and I gasp loud. The person walked from behind the box. I gasped and smiled. It was Aurora.

"Freya!" She said and she hugged me tight. "I missed you so much!" she said in the hug. "I missed you too! How come you're still alive?" I asked. "I've got my tricks." She said with a grin. "Are these her wings?" I asked. "You mean Maleficent's wings?" Aurora asked and I nodded. "I think so." She said. "Well, then they need to get free." Abby said and she pushed against the box. It fell on the ground and the wings flew free. "They are beautiful." I said. "Yes!" Aurora said and he rushed to the door. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Bringing the wings to Fairy god mother." She said and she walked out of the door. I looked at Abby, who shrugged. I followed Aurora downstairs. The noised that I heard came from here. There was a dragon who was caught and the King who was standing across Maleficent. The wings didn't hesitate for a second and flew to her. There was a bright light and a loud gasp. I looked to Aurora. The wings were back to where they belong. Maleficent flew up. "Shoot her!" The king screamed. Many arrows were fired and we took cover. I heard the sound of Iron on fairy skin and a loud scream. I looked and saw a iron chain attached to Maleficent's ankle. She tried to flew upwards but is was hard. The king was holding her down. She managed to be stronger and flew up, with the king still holding the chain.

Maleficent flew out of the window with great speed. I looked to Aurora. "We are save." I said. The dragon managed to get free and the guards ran off. There was a light and the dragon was gone. And there stood the person I loved. Diaval. I stood up and ran towards him. "Diaval!" I screamed and I ran into his arms. He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you so much." He said and I smiled. I heard footsteps behind me and I looked up. I saw Abby looking to her feet. "Diaval, I wan't you to meet Abby." I said and I walked to the side. Diaval smiled and shook Abby's hand. "Abby and I were locked up in the basement." I said and I looked to Abby. "She is your sister." I said.


Another chapter done!! I can't update 'cause I'm in Turkey and I don't have good wifi. So I' see you later!!

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Ello! Again a short chapter. Urgghh. But Well! I hope you enjoyed it! See ya!

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