Chapter Twenty: Distant

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Enjoyyyy and btw, the timeskip isn't that huge, don't worry you guys. And this is all their thoughts, that's why it's all in italics :). Look to the author's note at the end, it's very VERY important!!

Two months later

Freya's P.O.V

The castle is finally ours! I am so happy! The reason that I was vomiting? Well, I wen't to the doctor and well, I save that stuff for later. I want to talk about something else. Diaval is being very distant lately. I thought we would be happy after the coronation. We were, for about three weeks. We can't leave each other because we are now king and queen. Yes, I never expected this to happen! Well I am happy, but Diaval seems down. He goes alone to his room very often and leaves me at the throne alone. Levi stayed here in the castle, so he is keeping me company. It seems Diaval is getting jealous. Every time he sees me with Levi, he says it is Okay and leaves. He is acting so weird lately! I talked about it with Sam. She kinda became my best friend. I don't know what I can do without her. We talked about everything. I wanted her to know everything. Because she is someone who understands me.

Abby hasn't returned yet. I searched for her a couple times and the guards went out for searching too. But with no avail. I know she will come back one time, but she has bad memories about this castle. So I give her some space. Well, back to the doctor. This is how it went:

"Welcome my Princess." The doctor said with a warm smile. I went to the doctor in the village. They said he is the best doctor.

"Thank you doctor Rein." I said. I took a seat on the old chair.

"So, tell me what's wrong."

"I've been trowing up lately, and I have an amazing headache." I said. The doctor nodded and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

"Well, this may be a personal question, but when was the last time you became intimate with someone?" The doctor asked.

"Uh, more than two months ago. Well there happened allot since that time." I said. The doctors expression went blank.

"Well. Did you ever thought that you may be, uh, pregnant?"

End flashback

Well, that happened. I am pregnant, and it is Diaval's. But since he's so distant, I don't dare to tell him. He locks himself up in his room. I saw Daeny slip into our room and cane back an hour later! Yesterday I cried in the bathroom. Am I to ugly for him? That is what I'm thinking the whole day. He doesn't even kiss me anymore! God, I'm crying again. Should I go and talk to Diaval? Yes, maybe that's a good idea.

Diaval's P.O.V

I paced around the room, waiting for the one knock. The knock that is going to make me happy. I know I shouldn't do this to Freya, but I can't handle it. I do love her, I really do. But it is like I have to choose. And I have to choose. It is so complicated. It really is. I will always love Freya, she is my queen. But what if you have feelings for another? I know I 'll regret it. I already do.

There is that knock.

Omg, I feel so sorry for Freya to do this to her!!

P L E A S E send me a plot! In my inbox or in the comments, it doesn't matter, just please. I have to put the story on a pause the couple weeks because I have no plot. I have just one draft left. I'm in a writers block!! .

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