Chapter Ten: Kidnapped

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So here is chapter ten! And congratulations @Abster92900! You're the winner of this conpetition! Don't worry if you read this and think: but I just began to read or oh shoot, I didn't win, there will be more competitions like this, but not yet. The winner's character will be introduced in this chapter! Enjoyy!

Freya's P.O.V

The man was staring down at us. Diaval grabbed my shoulders and pulled me against his chest. "Stay away from her!" He said loud. I didn't remember who the tall man was. But I recognized him. From something. And then it popped up in my head, He was from the castle! The potion I took began to work.

Slowly I remembered what he had done. The moment in the bedroom, and when Diaval bursted through the window. I pressed myself harder against Diaval's chest. I was afraid, and that didn't happen very often. "Can we go home please?" I asked Diaval while my voice broke. He nodded. We turned around and began to walk away from the man. Diaval grabbed my hand, so we could walk faster.

But suddenly, the man grabbed my arm rough en pulled me back. I slipped out of Diaval's grip and fell on the ground. "Freya!" Before I realized what was happening, the man pulled me with him. The man pushed me foreword with his hands on my back. "Diaval!" I screamed. He ran after us. "Freya!" Diaval yelled again. The man pulled me behind the gate and before Diaval could enter it, the gate was closed. The man released my arm and I ran to the gate."Please help me!" I whisper/said to Diaval. People were staring at us, but they didn't move a muscle. "I will help you. I'll get Maleficent to here, and if she don't want to, I'll get in here as a raven." Diaval said. I smiled through my tears. He gave me a quick kiss and turned around.

"Diaval wait!" Diaval turned around and walked back to me. "I'm afraid." I said and I slowly began to sob. Diaval cupped my face. "Don't be afraid Freya, I will come for you and I promise that I won't sleep until you are lying next to me again, do you understand?" Diaval said and I smiled. I nodded. Diaval placed a kiss on my forehead and turned around, walking away. The man grabbed my arm again and pulled me with him into the castle. We came in the large throne room. The room were Maleficent cursed Aurora. The cold air gave me chills. Hold on. That carpet. The smell of old wet stone. I remembered it! I remember I fell! I remember everything! The man who was holding me was.....Henry!

As soon as I realized, I began to struggle, but that made his grip only stronger. "Stop it!" He yelled. But I didn't listen. He grabbed me rough by my shoulders and his nails were digging into my skin. "If you don't stop struggling, I'll hurt you, and we won't wan't that do we?" He asked. "You already hurting me!" I yelled in his face. His grip on my shoulders tighten and he face came uncomfortably close to mine. "This is not hurting you love, if you want me to hurt you, your whole body will be covered in bruises." He whispered and he grabbed me wrist again. I said nothing.

We went to large dark corridor and the smell of stone and fire became stronger.

We got past the iron workers and further down. When I thought we were at the lowest level, I was wrong. We went another level down. It was getting darker and darker and the daylight almost couldn't reach it. With his free hand, Henry grabbed a lantern and he pulled me with him again. We came to a small hall with just one door. "The cellar." Henry said cold and he pulled me with him into the cellar. O no!

He pushed me against the wall and pinned my arms against my back. I heard a loud klick of metal. I soon realized it were handcuffs. "No! Please let me go! I'll do everything you want!" I yelled. "Hah! Sure." Henry said. He walked away with the lantern leaving me in the cold, dark air.

The handcuffs were stuck to a long iron made chain. I was alone in the cellar. At least, I thought I was alone. I heard someone cough near me. I jumped in the air and yelled. "Easy! I'm sorry if I frightened you." A girls voice said. "Who are you?" I asked, looking to nothing but darkness. "I'm Abby." She said. "I-I'm Freya." I said. "What did Henry do to you?" She asked. "Nothing yet." I said. I was very afraid of what will happen. "Does the king know about this?" I asked. "No." Abby said. I nodded, what she of course, couldn't see. "What d-did he do to you?" I asked. "I don't want to talk about it, but my whole body is sore and full of bruises now." My eyes widened. "Oh my god!" I said worried. "I first came here as a maid, and when I wasn't good enough, Henry threw me in this cellar." She said. I felt tears stinging in my eyes by the idea of Henry torturing me. "I don't want that, Henry didn't beat me up yet, he only tried to-." I felt tears stinging in my eyes. "Tried to do what?" Abby asked. "R-rape me." I stuttered. I heard her gasp. "But me boyfriend is going to save me, that is what he said to me." I said. "Who is that?" Abby asked. "Diaval." I said with a smile. Yes Diaval was going to save me. And get me out of this cellar. "Diaval? Like Diaval from the Moors?" She asked. "Yes." "Like the man that can change into a raven?" She asked. "Yes?" I said more as a question. She laughed soft.

"My brother is still alive."

Ai, I feel like this is painfully short, don't you think? Well I hope you enjoyed it! And Abster929000 I hope that you enjoyed your character!

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Makes me happy :)

P.s I edited my prologue, but in case you're here with reading already, English is not my mother language, that's Dutch. I'm learning English at school, but if you find any mistakes, can you please tell me? So I can change it. See ya tomorrow!


Twitter: @Noaatjee

Insta: @Noaa_Boo

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