Ch 27 - Teamwork At It's Finest

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Everyone was in there positions and ready to move out within the second. It was just a waiting game now until the Government drop the bombs signaling the squad. Madoka and Charlotte had been assigned to your unit under your command. Ichika was in command of the other girls. The plan had been set for Ichika and his squad to hit them heavy to draw everyone's attention while the three of you sneak in to go after the head of Phantom Task. ETA was still twenty minutes out for the military to strike. You decided in the meantime to play through the memories you had that made you happy during your time at the IS academy. Most of your memories were of Charlotte. You couldn't help but think of things like the first time you both kissed and actually making love with each other. You sat there remembering all the good times until Charlotte whispered into the comlink.

"What are you thinking about over there? You have a smile on your face." Charlotte whispered.

Everyone's comlink was on the same frequency and you didn't care who was listening in.

"I was thinking of all the happy moments that I have had since coming to the IS academy. Especially all the times with you. I have had the best times of my life here with you and everyone else. I wouldn't change a thing." you say quietly.

"Glad you are happy." Charlotte said.

All of a sudden Miss Orimura's voice comes on over the comlink.

"Heads up! The military is here!" Miss Orimura says.

You adjust your sights and see the jets coming in. You see the bombs fall.

"Laura! Now!" Ichika yells.

You see a blast from Laura's cannon. It hits a convoy truck that had supplies in it. Laura's aim was dead on as the whole area surrounding the truck blew sky high. Even from where you, Madoka and Charlotte were at, you could feel the shockwave through the air. Ichika and the girls Charged into action engaging the enemy. The three of you sat hidden biding time. You only had to wait for a few minutes before you saw the opening that was needed.

"Let's go you two. Follow me!" you say taking into the air and coming in fast to the point you were nothing more then a blur.

The three of you landed and started taking down the defenses that were guarding the door to a bunker. Madoka shot someone straight through the chest killing them almost instantly. You could see the serious look on her face. She didn't seem even to have any guilt in killing the person but you knew that she was tough and could handle this kind of stuff. You were most surprised when Charlotte came in with her shield piercer and destroyed an enemy's shield and then followed up with a shot right through the woman's chest. You could see that the enemy was turning into nothing more than corpses across the ground. You grit your teeth because you don't like to see people being killed. After the two guards are down, you pull your blade out and cut the door to the bunker right in half breaking clean through it. Once the door was busted completely apart, Charlotte enters first so she can activate her shield. There was a giant room at the end of the hall. Once you guys reach the room, you are surrounded by a bunch of IS units. All of a sudden a blur comes through the room and the enemy lays dead on the ground. When the IS unit stops, you see that it's Miss Orimura. You were so focus on watching the enemy drop that you didn't know Tabane was behind you.

"You still have Chifuya. Let's work together like old times." Tabane says.

"What can you do? You don't even have an IS unit." you say.

"I can deactivate parts of an IS unit just by touching them. For example." Tabane says then touches your unit's arm causing it to disappear. It takes a minute but you manage to get it to come back.

"Nice!" you say.

"Alright you three. Me and Tabane will clear a path for you. Madoka you know what to do once you reach the core of the facility." Miss Orimura says.

You all nod and follow. You were surprised be Tabane's speed. Without a unit she could keep up with the speed of the IS units. You follow closely while Tabane and Miss Orimura clean house. It didn't take long until you reached the inner core of the facility. All five of you had cleared hallway after hallway so fast that it didn't have time to register in your mind of what was happening. Once in the inner core, Madoka started setting up a bomb. Once the bomb was set, Madoka ordered everyone to clear out quickly. Once out of the facility, Everyone takes off quickly and barely made it out of range just as the bomb went off. All the fighting stopped as everyone even the enemy stopped as they saw the place blow. Once the dust settled, you saw there was a huge crater left in the ground. The bomb had leveled the place completely. Once the enemy saw their place was completely gone and that there wasn't many left, they gave up lowering their weapons and deactivating their units. Staff from the IS academy quickly started rounding the rest up and putting them in cuffs.

"Congrats everyone. Phantom Task is no more. As for Phantom Hive itself, I imagine this is a crushing blow for them. Everyone is to head back to the academy and clean up. After that you all have the next week off. Dismissed!" Miss Orimura said.

Everyone headed back to clean themselves up and get some rest. Tomorrow was a start at a better future.

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