Ch 18 - Madoka's Injury and Your Chivalry

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You wake up with Charlotte next to you. Gently shaking Charlotte, she wakes up and smiles up at you when she sees your face. You surprise her by giving her a morning a kiss. You both start rubbing your hands on each other when your room door burst open. Ichika is standing there with a worried look on his face.

"What's going on?" you ask.

"Madoka is hurt from that fight. She woke up coughing up blood. Help me get her to the infirmary." Ichika says in a panicked voice.

You and Charlotte both come running into Madoka and Ichika's room finding Madoka on the floor coughing up more blood. She was pale and looked like she was going through hell itself. You reach her and pick her up. You engage your IS unit and your Inertia Booster to get her there quick. People in the hallway could here the sound of your booster and move quickly to get out of the way. Some looked scared and others were curious on what had happened. People could see the blood on your IS unit though which started to cause a panic. Tatenashi fortunately showed up to handle the situation. It was scary to think the infamous wielder of the Silent Zephyr could be hurt badly. You manage to reach the infirmary in record time. You start yelling for a doctor and six staff show up. Miss Orimura was one of them.

"What the hell is going on?!" Miss Orimura yelled.

"Madoka was actually hurt pretty badly during the fight. Apparently it just caught up to her this morning." Ichika says.

Miss Orimura runs to Madoka's side instantly and start examining her immediately.

"She has suffered internal injuries. We need to operate fast." Miss Orimura says.

The medical staff immediately got tools and started going to work on Madoka right there. You, Ichika, Charlotte and Miss Orimura just watched over it all. Well waiting for news, Tatenashi came into the infirmary.

"What's going?" Tatenashi asks.

You quickly explain the details.

"Well I news for you. A bunch of girls came here to see Madoka. I think more students are accepting her as a fellow student. That girl has something about her that is special." Tatenashi says.

After a few minutes you go out into the hallway and see a bunch of girls there waiting for news. You hold up your hand to silence them when they all tried to talk at once.

"I understand you all are worried. Rest assured the medical staff will make sure she is alright. I know this probably doesn't mean much coming from me but thank you for accepting Madoka as a fellow student." you say loudly for them all to hear.

Just as you finish talking, the maintenance crew approaches.

"We need to talk to you. Apparently her IS unit uses her energy a lot to use it. We are currently working on the unit to where it won't hurt her physically to use it." the maintenance crew says.

"That would explain why even though she didn't get hit that she has internal injuries. Please go in and tell them all. I have some thinking to do now." you say.

The maintenance crew goes into the infirmary to report while you stand there in deep thought of what could be applied to her unit from yours that can be used for limit breakers on her unit to prevent her from getting hurt like that again. You eventually look up and see the other girl from early staring at you.

"Everyone follow me. We need to figure what we can do to add limit breakers on her unit so it won't kill her using it." you say.

All the girls follow you to the gymnasium to figure out on what to do.

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