Ch 10 - Mental Experiments and Last Physical Experiment?

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You were taking a shower before starting your day off when there was a knock on the door of your room.

"I'll get it." yelled Charlotte as you got out of the shower.

You dried off and got was getting dressed when the bathroom door opened and Miss Orimura was standing there. You blushed because you only had your boxers on.

"Oh don't be embarrassed. I have seen a boy naked before. I'm not into guys anyways. I do have a question to ask though that is vital for the experiments. Would you mind if we put a chip inside your head to record your thoughts and dreams? That might help us understand your mental state. Of course everything you think about will be shown to us in video form to us but we will keep it confidential between the medical staff. No other students will know anything about this except your friends." Miss Orimura says.

"That is fine. If it helps me get this out of my system to were I can function properly that is fine." you say.

"I will meet you in the medical bay in half an hour then for the procedure then." Miss orimura says as she walks away.

 Charlotte helps you get the rest of your clothes on and helps you into your wheelchair. Once you are in your wheelchair, Charlotte calls everyone on there cellphones and contacted them. She told them what was going on and they all agreed to meet in the medical lab. Once she was done contacting everyone, she grab the back of the wheelchair and head to the medical lab. Once you guys get there, you see the table for you to lie down on is alredy setup. Charlotte helps you up on the table and Miss Orimura comes into the room.

"We are going to sedate you for the procedure. We don't think anything will go wrong. I would also like to introduce you to Houki's older sister Doctor Tanabe Shinonino. She is the one that created the IS units and is quite diverse in subjects." Miss Orimura says.

You nod at Houki's older sister and close your eyes. You feel a sharp prick in your arm and then you were out like a light. You weren't sure how long it was but you were woken up by Charlotte tapping on your arm.

"Alright. The chip is in now. Once you have healed enough, we will be giving you a few mental tests to see what is going on. Just keep in mind we can see every last bit of your thoughts. If there is ever something that you wish to keep secret from everyone just let us know by thinking it inside your head that you want something kept secret and we will keep quiet to only the staff knowing about it." Miss Orimura says.

You nod and touch the section of your head where the chip was put in. You were surprised to feel that it was just a small incision area. You only hoped that Charlotte didn't find out what you were thinking when it came to her.

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