Ch 5 - Painful Nightmare and Similarities Between You and Laura

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Charlotte helps you back to your guys' room which was a slow process with how many times you about fell over. She lightly braced you up against the wall using her body as she got the key and turned the lock on the door. Once she was able to push the door open, she carried you over to your bed and laid you down on it. You were still out it a little until you noticed she undone the front of your pants. You grabbed her quickly while still in a shock.

"W-what are you doing?" you asked.

"You have to get into your sleeping clothes. I'm only helping you change. Don't worry, just relax." Charlotte said.

You just nod letting her help you. It only took a few seconds after relaxing again before you passed out again from exhaustion. You slowly drift off into a dream state. In your dream you look around and see people in lab coats. You look down and noticed that you are strapped down and there are IV's stuck in your arms with fluids running through them. Your mind recognizes the place in the dream. People are talking and you can here them talking about some sort of experiment. It took you a while to figure out that it was you that they were experimenting on. You start to struggle and try to thrash around to get free but the restraints had you strapped down too tightly that you couldn't shift any part of your body. They started injecting needles in you. Some needles pulled out blood while others injected fluids of different colors into you. You let out a scream of pain as you were injected with a needle full of a blue substance. You wake up with Charlotte yelling your name. You automatically reach up grabbing her into a hug and crying.

"Are you alright?!" Charlotte says with concern on her face.

You just start crying even harder when she asks you that. All of a sudden the bedroom door comes crashing in with Tatenashi and the gang behind her. Everyone had a worried look on their faces.

"What is going on in here?!" Tatenashi says.

"I just had a nightmare. Everyone please come in here. I have something to tell you all." you say.

Before everyone could sit down to listen, Miss Orimura shows up.

"Ugh. Another door to be replaced. Miss Tatenashi please quit destroying doors." Miss Orimura says.

"Sorry about that but there was reports of screams coming from this room so I acted on impulse." Tatenashi says.

"Ahh, I figured this would happen. Well it's about time you explain to all of them." Miss Orimura says before walking away.

"What does she mean?" Houki asks.

"Well my nightmare is hard to talk about because it deals with my past." you say taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"As you all know I am the second guy in the world to be able to use an IS unit. That's due to experimentation that was done on me. I was put through some horrible experiments. They ran tests for months on me. I was injected with different types of liquids and even had my blood taken twice a day. They were trying to figure out how to make it were a guy could operate an IS unit. Unfortunately the project was discovered and the government stepped in shutting the project down arresting everyone. The government put me into a home with two really rich people. They became my mother and father. They were kind and weren't stuck up like most people that are rich. They would comfort me when I had nightmares and would help me out whenever they could. They didn't care about money and spent a lot of time with me. I made the decision one day to see if the experiment worked, so they spent the money to allow me to try piloting an IS unit. to success it worked. After I found out I was able to use an IS unit, I decided to come here and develop the skills to become a IS pilot. My parents supported me and contacted the director here. Miss Orimura was kind enough to accept me. She already knows about my past. So now here I am. My goal was originally was to not get involved with anyone here and focus only on my skills as an IS pilot. But that has all changed. Meeting you guys has changed my whole perspective on things. I finally found a group of people that accept me as myself. I thank you all for that." you say and then suddenly burst into tears again.

Charlotte holds onto you until you calm down again.

"Well I already knew about your past from Miss Orimura. I was told to keep quiet. I'm happy that you are able to trust us and told everyone." Tatenashi says with a smile on her face.

After everyone calmed down, you all made dinner and ate together in your room. You spent the rest of the day relaxing and hanging with your friends. When night time hit and everyone, left you noticed Charlotte looking at you.

"Is there something on your mind?" you ask her.

"Can I share your bed tonight?" Charlotte said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"If that is what you want." you say while climbing into your bed.

Charlotte climbs in bed next to you. She shifts slightly until she is curled up next to you. You could see the worried look on her face. You wrap your arm around her and she drifts off to sleep. You could only think that maybe life isn't as bad you thought having friends like this. You close eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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