39: Taking What's Ours

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Marcus continued to hold me up for a few more moments. I swung my arms around underneath me so that I could prop myself up. It was harder to do so than I originally intended. I glanced down at my chest as I was trying to hold myself up and nearly screamed. Well, I would have if not for the fact that my voice wasn't any louder than a whisper.

Right out of the top of my collar bone was a gaping, bloody hole. I glanced up at Marcus, then at Orion, and realized that Orion was suffering from a similar fate. Only his wound was in his side right just below his rib cage on the right side. It must've missed aim when Marcus charged at the pirate.

I scooted backwards weakly, slipping on the now sticky, bloody floor as the pirate watched me in wonder. He was probably wondering why I wasn't dead. Maybe everyone was thinking that. I scooted until my head gently bumped the far wall and I propped myself upwards. I was only several more inches away from Marcus and Orion. They just watched me silently.

I took a deep breath, mustering up all the strength I could get and stared, cold-eyed at the pirate leader. "Told you... I wouldn't go down... without... a fight." I managed to grin, I could only image the amount of my blood that stained my teeth and tongue making me look viscous and wild. 

"So it seems." The pirate said, grinning back. "Ye might be more fun than I thought." He stood up. "Can ye stand? The lot of ye?"

No one answered. The leader growled and was about to speak again, when a loud thud echoed from somewhere in the ship. Leaning up against the wall of the ship, I felt the vibration rumble through my entire body, making my back sting horribly. Being shot in the upper back, the bullet went clear through my chest. It must've barely missed my heart or vital organs... right? Did cats have a different organ system than humans?

"The others haven't come back cap'n." One of the pirates said, looking thoroughly worried. "Perhaps something... went wrong?"

"Shut yer trap!" The pirate leader said, listening with his torn ears.

Another thud resounded off from somewhere on the ship, but this "thud" was more like a "boom." It was closer. I pressed an ear up against the metal wall and I could vaguely hear the echoes of several guns being fired. I couldn't help but smile weakly.

"He's coming." I whispered, then I rose my voice and it sounded hoarse. "He's coming to get you pirate boy."

"The... elevator is in use cap'n." Said the worried pirate.

"Get yer scurvy asses ready fer a fight! Grab the hostages!" The pirate yelled. "We can't let them escape our grasp! Not while we're so close!"

Two pirates attempted to grab hold of Marcus, but he bit and clawed and yelled with all his might. This determination gave me and Orion some type of adrenaline because when Orion was grabbed, he stood up and kicked and clawed too. We all did. We tried our darnedest to make sure we weren't gotten a grip on.

Unfortunately, they got a hold on Orion and I because we were so weak. They only managed to weakly hold Marcus' arms as he stood breathing heavily, staring with pure hatred towards the pirate leader.

It was silent for only a moment, then the ding of the elevator sounded and the doors opened. I swiveled with all my strength, putting the pirate in the line of fire. I saw Orion do the same and Marcus hit the deck. 

I could've swore that my ears were permanently ruined after the amount of noise that occurred after that, so many guns firing at once. I felt the pirate grow limp after a few twitches and I gripped my ears and pulled them down over my face as I felt several bodies hit the floor around me. I too hit the deck with the now dead pirate behind me.

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