7: The Others

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I gaped out the window, rubbing my eyes occasionally as I tried to fathom what I was looking at. I had to tear my eyes from the window to look around some more. At first, I thought it was just a picture, not believing it was real... but it was real. The place I was in was moving... I could see stars moving trillions of miles away. I tried to find any kind of support to hold me up in the room so I could move about easier. My head was spinning I thought this place was upside down.

I felt my legs slowly getting used to my new body, but they felt so long and gangly. My tail automatically swung back and forth to help me balance myself. I was trying to understand the situation but it was all so fuzzy. Finally, as I circled the room trying to summarize the uses of my body, my hand that was sliding along the wall lurched farther to my right as it hit the door to the room, making it echo.

I flinched and stared at where the door handle was supposed to be. The door was like a metal square, and where the handle was supposed to be was a smooth panel that looked like a tiny computer frame. There was the picture of a strange hand print on it. Almost in the shape of a cat's paw-hand. It was colored bright blue and it shimmered occasionally as if the tiny computer screen was glitching.

I tilted my head to one side, feeling my ears flop slightly, and I reached to place my hand on the screen. I was just about to place it on the screen when I heard a strange set of footsteps from just outside the door that got louder and then faded. I stumbled backwards, the pads on the bottom of my paws muffling my step on the metal. The sound was gone, but only for a moment. Muffled footsteps, then the sound of metal hitting metal.

I lost my balance and sank to the ground, my legs sticking out in front of me and my tail uncomfortably stuck under a leg. I stared up at the door, scared at the fact that I wasn't alone wherever I was. The sound of a beep noise came from outside the door, and the door slide open with a whoosh. Much like those doors from movies about science fiction.

My eyes widened in surprise and a figure appeared in front of me, she looked oddly familiar, her reddish brown fur, short bunny like tail, artificial leg... "...E- Ember?" I said out loud. What is happening? She's not supposed to exist!

She looked exactly like how I had drawn her! But so... real!

Ember stared down at me in utmost surprise. She blinked a few times, looking completely dumbfounded. After a moment of staring at each other, her eyes seemed to widen and glisten. "You- You're awake!" She said in a high pitch voice that sounded somewhat like a kitten squeaking in surprise. 

Ember approached me and knelt down, checking to see if anything was harmed. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to frighten you!"

She grabbed me under the shoulder and helped me up. There was something about her that felt too accurate. She was exactly how I portrayed her in my drawings. "This... this doesn't make any sense... where am I?" 

Ember gave me a confused look. "You... don't remember?" She bit her bottom lip, and muttered something, then she shook her head. "I'm surprised you even remember my name Storm, we thought for sure that you... died on that last mission. You hit your head so hard... how did you even get out of bed?"

I stared at my paws and hands. "But... I'm not Storm... I'm Hava..."

"Hava?" Ember said looking astonished and squinting her eyes suspiously. "What about Hava?"

"Like I said... I'm not Storm... I'm Hava... I drew you." I said, trying to explain. It only sounded stupid. How would she know?

Ember stared in silence for a long moment. "This doesn't make any sense..." She meowed, "Hava is one of the creators who created this universe... she's one of the deities of it? How could you be-"

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