12: One Big Happy Family

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I watched as Marcus stood up, he looked extremely excited. "As you all know by now, our dearest friend Storm has finally awakened from her three month coma!"

I felt my face grow hot under my fur as everyone cheered and clapped, some standing up to look at me with broad grins on their faces. I waved shyly at everyone.

"We have had some tough time these past few weeks, but now that we are officially out of Neon Empire Territory! We are finally free to do whatever we need to continue this project!" 

Marcus continued. "And once we make a stop at the waypoint a few days from here, we are going to get a Universal Hyper Drive Unit to travel the universe quicker! But enough of that, I would like to make a toast!" 

He paused and looked over at me, smiling. "To Storm! For fighting through these three months and to her good health and recovery!"

"To Storm!" Everyone shouted, thrusting their cups into the air. I grabbed mine and raised it too. Everyone clanked their cups together, some spilling their drinks and laughing merrily.

I saw that Tuna was grumbling slightly at the spilled drinks, his eyes were sparkling. He was probably just as happy as anyone else in the room. I looked at my own drink. It was a deep blue, sparkling liquid. 

"Tuna made that just for you." Fifi whispered as I looked at the liquid uncertainly. Wondering how it was going to taste.

Fifi nudged me in the shoulder and nodded her head. "Trust me, if Tuna would let me, I'd drink that stuff any day."

I tipped my cup and braced myself as the liquid came closer to my mouth. It touched my lips and a soothing feeling shot through my entire body. I tasted the liquid, it was the best thing I'd ever tasted. It was like a blast of all my favorite sweet flavors mixed into one. There was a tang of lemonade in there, along with a strange taste I'd never tasted before. It was like a perfect mix of sugar and sweet peas. It was strangely delicious, otherworldly.

I felt energy fuse through me, energy I hadn't felt since I woke up in this strange universe. 

This universe was definitely different from my own, it wasn't everyday you'd find animals walking on their hind legs and talking like humans... 

Did they even know what a human was?

The food was beyond divine. It tasted like my favorite seafood restaurant, I was given a plate of finely cooked fish with a few small vegetables, and little chunks of cooked meat of an unknown creature. When I took a bite of the fish, it tasted like a mixture of salmon and tuna. The vegetables tasted like regular vegetables but slightly saltier, and the meat tasted somewhat like perfect bacon and steak. Everything was so delicious. 

I suddenly wondered how and where they got the food from.

Tuna had finished before everyone else, and he was pouring some type of alcoholic beverages into some new cups.  He didn't come over to me, Ember, and Elva, but everyone else had a cupful of it, probably to celebrate both the return of the Mission Specialists and my unexpected awakening. 

Dessert came in, but by that time I was full and sleepy. I had such a good time that I forgot about what happened during the brain scan, well most of it. Except for the part where the planet was blowing up... I didn't remember anything about Storm kissing my forehead.

Marcus looked as if he had a few too many cups of the alcoholic drink because he was now standing up on the table. But he wasn't the only one who had too much to drink because everyone else was singing songs terribly and laughing and carrying on. Except Orion, he was looking pretty sober, but he was watching Marcus as his boyfriend began to speak.

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