37: Surprise

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A/n: Hey everyone! It appears that I had a little time today to make this chapter. So if you're reading this, then you know that I have successfully posted it! I'm also fighting writer's block so you can imagine how that's going for me just when the book is actually halfway good.


Heart threatening to beat out of my chest, I moved slowly forward, staying close to Marcus. Everyone was tense as we slowly made our way to the dock's control room. I was expecting to see Simon, but the lights were out, everything was locked up tight, and there were signs of a scuffle. Not to mention large clumps of golden and... grey fur?

I examined the surroundings with a quick glance and realized that whatever happened, and whoever had hijacked the ship, Simon didn't go down without a fight. There were claw marks that marked the metal of the floor, walls, and even ceiling. 

"I think Simon knew what was happening. I'm just curious about why he let them through the airlock in the first place." Marcus whispered. 

"It's possible he thought it was you, Storm and-" Ra'sheen began in a low voice. We all went quiet. I felt extremely worried for everyone on the ship. I hoped they were all okay. 

"Spread out and scout the room, we aren't going to leave a single speck left untouched." Marcus said, pausing and turning to face the child with his mother. "You two better stay back near the ship. You," Marcus pointed at the moose. "Stay in the ship with them and make sure no one enters it. One second..."

Marcus walked forward to one of the locked doors and scanned his hand up against a panel on the side. Nothing happened and he tried to type in a code underneath the scanner. The door slid open lazily. Inside was an assortment of various laser weapons and even an old, battered bow that was a faded color of what probably used to be blinding white, that was now dusty gray. I recognized that bow, but said nothing.

Marcus leaned down and picked up a laser rifle, similar to the one that Simon packed around all the time and tossed it to the moose, who caught it skillfully. 

"Never caught your name." The moose said gruffly. His voice was very deep and his outfit looked terribly out of place in the spaceship's background. Like two entirely different eras were clumsily thrown into one.

"Marcus. Former captain of the Omineon Space Ship." Marcus said, nodding his head in a little bow.

"Southras." The moose said, bowing his head back in response. "A native of the Moon Empire and second hand to Ra'sheen."

Marcus nodded. "Alright Southras, take these two back to the spacecraft with you, lock it up and keep them both safe."

Sensor tugged on my arm as I glanced down at it- him. I realized he was a young boy after studying him for a while. "Aren't you both going to take your space gear off? It will probably help you move more sneakily."

Marcus and I locked eyes, nodding simultaneously. We quickly striped off our suits and I felt slightly relieved. I re-strapped on the belt for the pistol and adjusted my necklace as Marcus did the same. We put the suits away and then in silence, we made sure that Southras returned and locked up the craft like Marcus had said.

Marcus hesitantly handed Sensor a small knife. The only reason he didn't give Ra'sheen one was because the deer patted his side, silently explaining he had one of his own. Marcus nodded silently and we exited the weapons room. Marcus closed and locked the door.

We ventured further into the ship as quietly as we could.

We checked the engine room first, and we quickly found out Sensor knew a lot about engines, and I mean a lot

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