10: Scan Results

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Everything went black... but just for a short time. Images began flashing through my mind nearly faster than I could see. Images of a familiar looking panther shot before my eyes. Images of a planet came into place, I felt myself hovering in place, without body. The panther, who, when I squinted, I now realized was Storm, was dashing across a plain at top speed. She was running with someone, it was the maned wolf Marcus. He looked like he was guiding her while she looked panic stricken.

I looked around the open plains, behind the two running. I felt astonished to see that large chunks of the world were falling apart, flying up through the air. Where I was hovering, I automatically moved closer to the two as they ran, moving along side them at their same speed.

"Storm come on!" Marcus yelled over the sounds of rock grinding against one another as a large chunk shot up into the air right next to them. "We are almost there!"

They neared a small spacecraft and the arctic wolf appeared from inside, he was holding what looked like a bow in his hands, an arrow knocked and aiming at something behind Storm and Marcus. "Duck!" He yelled as the arctic wolf let the arrow fly. I watched the arrow fly over Storm and Marcus and hit something point blank in the chest. I would have gasped, but no noise came out.

The arrow hit a black, writhing mass that crumbled to a pile of slimy goop.

These creatures... there were millions of them, hobbling along with short legs and arms so long they were used to swing the creatures along faster. They were so deformed some of them made bigger ones by sealing together, becoming a chaotic mess. 

They were dark purple and black, with glowing white eyes. They varied in all different sizes ranging from ankle biters all the way to twenty feet tall. Wherever they tread, black and purple darkness encased the ground behind them, and shortly after the path twisted and churned, the cracks they formed turning a sickly purple, and broke apart, sailing off into the stars at lightning speed.

I watched as Storm and Marcus neared the ship, "Orion!" Marcus yelled at the arctic wolf who was shooting arrows. "Get ready to close the door!"

The arctic wolf named Orion nodded silently and took a step backwards, but not before taking another quick shot at a monster directly behind Marcus, leaping for the kill. 

The next event happened so fast that I barely caught what happened. A large chunk of rock, roughly the size of a large skull sailed out of the ground from a few yards away, arcing it's angle and aiming right for Marcus. If he hadn't have ducked, it would've hit him, but it instead, slammed Storm on the side of the head, knocking her sideways and sending her suddenly limp body flying several feet before landing. Without hesitation Orion leapt out of the spacecraft and raced for Storm. He was faster than Marcus. 

They were getting surrounded by the writhing monsters. One leapt at Orion but he pulled a knife from his belt and threw it directly into the head of it before picking Storm up with the help of Marcus. They worked in silence with stone cold faces as they tried not to examine their surroundings too much... I tried not to either. Watching a world explode was something to behold.

Together, Marcus and Orion got Storm into the craft, and closed the doors. Monsters began to climb onto the spaceship as the engines blasted on the ground and took off into space.

Everything faded black for a minute and then I was inside the craft with them. Storm was lying on a fold-out from the wall table. Her eyes were closed, blood was beginning to drip everywhere as Marcus frantically began to bandage her head as best as he could. 

Storm looked like she had died she was so still.

Orion stood, looming silently over Marcus as he watched his partner help their friend. He turned and looked out the window. I did the same, not wanting to look at who I would become. I watched the planet destroying itself, everything on it shattering and breaking apart. You could here the explosions even from in space, it shook the spacecraft. 

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