38: We Are One

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The pirate leader aimed his gun at Orion's back of his head, an evil grin plastered on his nasty face. Orion flinched and stiffened as he stared at the ground, eyes wide. His ears and nose twitched, Marcus did the same. Were they... communicating?

The events that followed where no more than a blur. All that I remembered was that I was watching in slow motion. There was a gunshot, Marcus was screaming as he charged forward, lunging himself onto the pirate. It took several others to pry him off, but they finally managed to. All I could do was stay frozen in place as they slowly took the gun out of my hand.

Ra'sheen must've put up a pretty good fight, because he managed to lunge back into the elevator and took off as a few men were at my feet unconscious. Marcus was released at the pirate leader's command after getting punched a few times and crawled on all fours to the small, frail heap that was Orion.

There was... so much blood.

"S-Starshine..." Marcus whispered as he began to stroke the bloody white fur that was twitching and shaking. "Shhh..." He murmured, trying to sooth Orion. I could see the anger in his eyes as he seemed to force himself to keep his eyes on Orion.

Weapons were pointed at our heads as a few other pirates decided to rush after Ra'sheen. My mind was still in a frozen state as another thought slowly began seeping it's way into my mind.

Where are the others? Why is Orion only here?

Someone pushed me to the ground and I fell on my knees, I slowly made my way over to Orion on all fours. No one stopped me. When I got there, I sat silently. These emotions flooding over me felt so overwhelming... it was like getting smacked in the face by ice cold water.

I sat in silence for the longest time, feeling completely hopeless as my vision began to blur. Tears were stinging at the end of my vision and were threatening to run down my face, but I had to have hope... no it's useless... no, I need to have hope, there is still a chance to fix this... It's useless...

"N-NO DAMN IT!" I yelled as anger began boiling through me. I slammed my fists on the ground in front of me. Storm was getting angry too. She was helping feed the anger in me. I felt beastly, invincible... raged. "WHERE ARE THE OTHERS!?" I yelled at the leader, standing up.

Several guns took aim at my heart, we didn't care.

The pirate just laughed, a pair of his crew began walking towards me slowly. I grimaced and snarled, showing teeth like a dog with rabies. I spoke again through gritted teeth. "Where. Are. The. Others?!" I was speaking as if he couldn't understand the simplest of words.

He laughed again, but a little less so. The two crew members were getting closer. 

"Listen here you son of a bitch," I said, thinking quickly as my anger turned to logical thinking. My heart was pounding. "I'm not going down quietly unless you tell me where you put the others."

I heard a tiny noise in the ceiling above me. A tapping noise. My large ears were able to pick it up, but no one else was by the looks of it. That's when I realized someone else was listening.

Sensor was still in the vents.

I had managed to ask the right question without realizing, hinting at Sensor to go and look for the others. Give him his moment of truth. I just hoped that he understood.

The pirate stood up and grinned his nasty grin. "Alright, if that's what ye want." He pointed back at me, that's when I realized I was still pointing at him stupidly and I lowered my arm. "Yer 'friends' are located in the kitchen. I'm sure you'll understand that we had to... ruff 'em up yeah?"

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