6: Transformation

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Have you ever been kidnapped by aliens? Because believe me, that's what I thought the moment I was literally grabbed by one and pulled through my own computer. 

When I got sucked into... wherever I got sucked into, my mind immediately went blank and I couldn't think, speak, breath, feel, see, or move. This... feeling came over me that I was dying, but something else told me that I wasn't dying, I was just... changing.

Then a different feeling washed over me. I was beginning to feel, literally. I felt my head moving, shaping into something different. My ears... they... they were moving upwards, growing, gaining feeling, I could hear the faint sounds of beeping, the sound of a fan, but everything went ultra sensitive and louder than I normally remembered hearing things... like the sound of the paperclip falling on the ground, the silent steps heading away from me... 

Then I began to gain feeling in my neck, it was growing longer and slimmer, my face felt slightly... longer. My arms, getting longer, slimmer, and my hands... they weren't... hands. I felt a fuzzy, fluffy feeling come over them as I felt the fingers shrink and become more rounded. My fingernails narrowing and sunk into what felt like small pockets on my fingers. I felt my waist slim up a great amount, mind still blank and not a slight bit confused.

Everything was perfectly painless, but it was almost uncomfortable.

My legs elongated and I felt my feet grow to a longer amount, my heels now jutting out in uncomfortable angles. My toes, I felt them shrinking like my hands, but growing round and soft, with a strange layer what felt like protection under them. 

Then the last part was my spine. I felt it grow, longer out of my back, down and around, feeling extremely soft. My entire body felt itself becoming encased in some kind of warmth, even softer than my hands or feet.

The sound of my surroundings got louder, my mind began clearing, and my entire body shuddered, I felt every inch of my body now, but I felt so weak and heavy. My ears were twitching awkwardly at the different sounds as they became very much clear.

I slowly tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I made an audible groan, the same sound I had made in a dream once... the only different was it wasn't my voice. At first I didn't realize it, but my voice had changed too, entirely. It wasn't the same, average lower voice that I generally used when speaking... it was higher, and had a strange ring to it, it reminded me a lot of... a cat meowing...

How strange...

I tried once again to open my eyes and this time, my eyelids fluttered open slowly. My vision was blurry and it was impossible to see anything just yet. I tried to lift my arms to rub them, but they only shook and fell limp again. I groaned again as I blinked slowly. I... don't remember it being this hard to move... I thought dumbly.

I tried to think, but my brain was all fuzzy. I didn't remember much of what had just recently happened. Or was it recent? My eyes were beginning to clear the blur, and I realized that my vision had... somewhat improved. Because it was obviously a dim lit room but my eyes were coping well and adjusting to the lighting at an alarming rate. I stared at the ceiling above me, my heart skipped a beat as the place looked extremely familiar. 

By then, the blur in my eyes was completely gone and I found myself staring at the ceiling full of familiar buttons, plates of metal, and that same, white and silver fan that blew somewhat warm air into my face. My head was on a pillow, so it was propped up slightly. I glanced down at my body suddenly feeling very scared. I would've screamed, had I not been so weak.

Not being able to scream seeming so normal to me at this point.

It was exactly like those dreams I had every night. My body wasn't human anymore, it had the posture of a human, but I was covered in dark gray fur, a tail lay limp and hanging off the side of this strange and futuristic looking bed. I had a necklace hanging around my neck with a green emerald stone attached to it. Adrenaline began to rush through me, giving me the strength to sit up straight.

My head started pounding painfully.

I took a deep breath, feeling my chest rise and fall slowly. I looked at my arms and then I moved my shoulders. It was a tough process but soon I was able to move my entire torso. I lifted up my long arms and stared at my round, fuzzy fingers. I wiggled them and bundled them up into fists and then stretched them out as far as I could.

I flinched when my tail suddenly moved, it swished up into the air and then back down. I had a strange urge to pounce at it, but I shook my head, only regretting it after it pounded harder. I moved my hand to my face, it definitely wasn't what I expected, I felt a cat face. A short snout, whiskers, two large eyes, large poofy ears, and cheek fluff. I wiggled my toes, and then my ankles. I was beginning to wonder where I was, and why everything was so... strange. 

My mind zoomed around in a million different directions but it was so panicked I had blocked out the feeling and I was just numbly watching and observing everything around me.

My legs were so long... They felt at least fifty percent longer than they were before. After a few moments of getting use to them, I swung them over the edge of the bed and planted my paw-feet on the ground. I wiggled my toes again, trying to ignore the fact I wasn't human. I didn't want to accept it. So I distracted myself by looking around the room.

It was a small square room with a single door to my right, the bed I was sitting on was squishy with soft blankets. It was built right into the wall. A sink and a mirror were to my left, where a nightstand would normally be, they were facing the room. A curtain hung next to my bed that could close around the bed for privacy, and on the far side of the wall was a bathtub set in the wall like the bed to conserve space, with another curtain around it for a shower. There were lots of containers in the white and light grey walls, and several places in the ceiling that looked like things came down from.

I continued to look around, blinking slowly. Then I spotted a window. I stood up, but my legs began to shake violently. I leaned up against the wall and tried to balance myself. I was so much taller than normal. I felt like a tower. 

A very fluffy, gangly, wobbly tower.

I took a step and nearly fell over, had I not gripped onto the sink and pulled myself back upright. I stood back up and briefly glanced into the mirror and looked away. I blinked, only to widen my eyes and look back slowly. I stared, dumbstruck for a long moment. Turning my head slightly to see if the mirror was actually a window. I slowly leaned over the sink, both hands on the sides of the sink to hold myself up, my mouth gaped open to show a pair of canines protruding from my gums.

I was a solid dark gray panther, with short silky fur, two neon green eyes, broad shoulders, two large fluffy ears, a short and round snout, gray-pink pads on my finger tips, thin black claws, small waist, and a dark gray nose. I also had two neon pink markings on my left cheek in the shape of tear drops, and my eyelids were the same neon pink, like make-up. I had medium size hands, large paws, and a long and thin silky tail.

I blinked, and stared into the mirror for a long time. "I'm... S-Storm?" I said out loud. My voice sounded human, but it had the ring of a mrrow in the back of my throat when I spoke.

I looked towards a window beside the sink, hesitating for a moment. I shuffled towards the window, placed a hand on the window and looked out. 

I wished I hadn't. 

Because I found myself staring into the depths of space.

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