1: The Dreams

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*DISCLAIMER*There are a LOT of inaccuracies within the book about physics and how outer space works! I made this book before actually taking any sort of Astronomy Class. Just a forewarning and something to keep in mind as you read! 


I sat bolt upright up in my bedroom, on my bed, breathing hard and shaking. I looked around, feeling myself. 

Still human. I thought to myself. Every night, I had been having these dreams that I would be... different... inhuman. A black cat that walked upright as a human. Anthropomorphic, like the drawings I drew everyday on my social media. 

I checked my clock, It's three in the morning... again. Like every night. Not only did I dream about being an anthropomorphic black cat in some strange futuristic space room, I would wake up at the same time every night. It all started when I drew my very first drawing, but the dreams weren't very realistic then, as if my drawings were connected to the dreams somehow.

In fact, the dreams were as if my art and art styles were coming to life as they leaped into my mind. I had this character I always drew. Her name was Storm, it was a cool name in my opinion, but whenever I drew her and updated how she looked, I felt some strange... calling to it. So everyday for the past three years I had been drawing digital paintings for my followers on my social media. Along with making side characters like Ember and Coal. 

Ember was a one legged anthropomorphic cat who had a mechanical leg that was white with an aqua blue under-glow. The same color as her right eye. Her left eye was neon green, the same shade of green as Storm's eyes. She had red brown fur; red toes, fingers, rear tips, and half of her bunny tail; and the other half was red brown. She had black ear tufts like a lynx. She was very skinny with long arms and legs, an average bust, and slightly round hips. Her hands and paws were average size. Ember had two scars on her right hand from having her wrist crushed when she was younger. It never healed back right, so it looked slightly crooked, making her dominant hand her left hand. She had small, black blotches on her muzzle, representing freckles. She also had a fox tooth necklace, from literally punching an anthropomorphic fox in the mouth for trying to scare her. She kept the tooth just because she could remind others that she could pack a punch. She also had two feathers that hung from her left ear, one was a neon blue feather, and the other was a neon purple feather. They looked other-worldly, but that was just how my imagination worked. She was generally shy according to me, but bubbly and happy all the time. 

Then there was Coal, who was like, this sexy smokey gray anthropomorphic cat with a few thick, black stripes here and there, he had a long fluffy tail, and two, stunning yellow eyes. He was tall, fairly thin with slightly broad shoulders, long arms and legs, big hands and paws, and a little bit of fluff around his face. He had scars all over his body from brawls and fights he'd gotten into, from the past I wrote about him. Two scars across his right eye. Damaged to the point it was always in a squinted position and could never fully open. He also had three wide scars on his left thigh, from a deep cut from being stabbed and sliced with a knife several times. And two more on his shoulder from being clawed by a lady he was trying to seduce. He also had this really cool leather armband that had two bird skulls hanging from it by two black loops sewed into the leather. He was generally flirtatious and blunt with everything he said. He was also quite the prankster.

Storm herself was a different story. Her background was unknown, and I haven't written much about her other than she had a lot of similar perks to me. I guess you could say that she was an anthropomorphic, furry version of me. A fursona as the internet called it. Maybe that's why I'd been having these dreams every night as her, because she was the most like me. She had severe anxiety, she was weak, had a lot to learn, and generally over thought everything, like me. Storm was a solid, midnight black anthropomorphic cat with a long, silky tail, long legs, long arms, two neon green eyes, broad shoulders, a fairly consistent build all the way down, in other words, not curvy like Ember. She had big paws, medium sized hands, and a long neck. She had a chain around her neck with a simple, circular emerald hanging at the end, and two feathers hanging from her left ear like Ember's. Except that these feathers were sea green. She was slow to speak, and kept to herself. She was clumsy, and had many quirks.

My name is Hava. I enjoyed drawing anthropomorphic animals. I didn't have any attraction towards my drawings, and I wasn't one of those extreme people. I was not that way, I was just someone who loved to draw these kinds of things and try to bring them to reality. Although, the kids at school probably had a totally different perspective on what I thought and did at home... If I ever told them that is.

It was the end of school, and the beginning of summer, I had just graduated from high school at seventeen years old. I was planning on going to a college I had signed up for last Spring. I was excited, I was going to be the first person in my family to go to a University college. 

Still recovering from the dream, my mouth was strangely parched. I got out of bed to get myself a glass of water, rubbing my eyes tiredly. It was still three in the morning. I stumbled into the kitchen, surprised that I wasn't alone. My dad was in there drinking some coffee. He turned and looked at me slightly surprised. "You're up early." He whispered in a low voice.

"Just getting some water." I said simply, as I opened up the cupboard to get a cup. "What are you doing up so early?" I asked as I went to the sink to fill it with water.

"I have to get to work early again." He responded. He paused for a moment, swirling his coffee in his cup. His blond hair looked dark gold in the dim light. He looked exhausted. "Did you have another one of those dreams again?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. It looked too hot to drink... and it was black... yuck.

At first, I wasn't sure whether to answer or not. I told my parents about the dreams before, and they just gave me these worried looks, telling me I might need to talk to someone about them. Deciding it wouldn't be good to lie, I nodded my head as I turned on the water and watched it pour into my cup.

"Honey..." My dad said, as I turned around to lean on the counter and sip my water. "Your mother and I have been thinking about it and well..." A tired smile appeared on his face. "Well, we'll tell you tomorrow. When I get home from work okay?"

I nodded again, placing the cup on the counter. I didn't like dirtying dishes so much, so I'll just use the cup in the morning if it's still there. 

"Good night dad. Have a good time at work." I hugged him and walked back towards my bedroom. As I was walking, I thought I saw something dash around the corner of the hallway. It scared me because it was tall and thin, it looked slightly distorted. I quickened my pace to follow it, when I rounded the corner I was just staring into my empty bedroom. 

My dad said something along the lines of "Get a good night's sleep" as I shrugged my shoulders, closed the door after smiling at my dad, and clambered back into bed, covering myself up under the fluffy blankets. It was surprisingly cold for a summer night.

I sighed and looked at my alarm clock again. Still three... "Wait what?" I said out loud glancing back at the clock and widening my eyes. I could've swore the clock read exactly 3 am, but instead, it said 3:07 am. I shook my head. That... was weird... I must be pretty tired. I laid myself back onto my pillow, staring at the ceiling and the glow in the dark stickers that relentlessly but dimly shined down my room. Eventually, I fell asleep again. Just like I normally did after thinking and imagining about other fantasy worlds.

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